TuneIn Radio: Music & Sports is a music app developed by TuneIn. The last update, v29.40, released on September 20, 2024, and it’s rated 4.72 out of 5 based on the latest 53.5K reviews. TuneIn Radio: Music & Sports costs $9.99 and requires iOS 15.0+ and Android 14 or newer to download.
Live News, Local FM Stations
Video: TuneIn Radio: Music & Sports Overview
Listen to all the live news, sports, music, podcasts and radio you love, from around the world—all on the TuneIn app.
How to Use TuneIn Radio: Music & Sports on Your PC or Mac
Want to enjoy TuneIn Radio: Music & Sports on your desktop? Download the latest APK (29.40, 149 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
User Reviews and Ratings
★★★★★Everything in one place.
I want access to in-depth news analysis, and occasionally ESPN for college football. In the past I’ve had to pay exorbitant streaming fees or cable bills to have access to very few channels. This is the perfect solution. I can find all my favorites with tune-in for a fraction of the cost.
★★★★★Great Station
Great programming and also for Marketing your business
★★★★☆I use TuneIn all the time
I don’t get reliable radio reception where I am, and the stations’ own apps don’t keep playing in the background when I switch to another app. Tunein plays in the background, and includes stations from everywhere. I can find my favorite stations easily in "Favorites".
I miss a feature that it used to have in the paid app: being able to record or rewind and play back—that was great if I walked out of the room and missed something. Also, it can be very slow to start up sometimes.
★★★☆☆Radio love! With exception
It’s ok when they play commercials when you start a station but now they even have them when your listening to a station, sometimes you listen to the commercials from the station and from TuneIn ,
★★★★★Excelente Calidad
Siempre conectado escuchando mi Buenos Aires querido!!
Gracias Tune In!