Unfilth Your Habitat is a productivity app developed by UfYH LLC. The last update, v2.10, released on November 20, 2017, and it’s rated 3.86 out of 5 based on the latest 250 reviews. Unfilth Your Habitat is FREE and requires iOS 9.0+ and Android 8 or newer to download.
UfYH: Terrifying motivation for lazy people with messy homes. Please be advised that this app contains profanity. The word "filth," in-app, is replaced by the other f-word.
Want to enjoy Unfilth Your Habitat on your desktop? Download the latest APK (2.10, 76 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
User Reviews and Ratings
As someone with ADHD and executive functioning issues - this app is absolutely essential for helping me get and stay tidy and organized. The blog is great too.
★★★★★Does exactly what it says
Works great, no complaints. Does what it's supposed to do. I find the best way to use it is to put in a few of your own tasks and alternate them with the random tasks. Helps me get things done I've been avoiding. Don't want to clean the bathroom? Clean the mirror, then radon task has me fold laundry, then back to the bathroom for the countertop to organize. Oh, I'm sick of cleaning the bathroom again, random generator says to dust my fans. Ok now what did I say needs to be done in the bathroom?
★★★★★Great for those who need structure!
I have always struggled with finding a cleaning schedule/routine/app that worked for me. Everything else I have tried has been overwhelming and too time consuming for someone who works full-time and may have a little ADD. Most cleaning apps just give you a huge list of things you should be doing and make you feel guilty if you get behind, which just adds to my anxiety and makes me procrastinate more. Pair this app with the accompanying book if you are looking for more context. This is a great to
★★★☆☆I want to love it
I want to love it, but its lack of ability to edit “Dailies” and time to work/relax disappoints me. It is very helpful to see a “Before” photo, as one might not truly see the mess that surrounds one. Please add an edit function to timers and daily/monthly functions, and also to the “recurring” button (how often?) and it might just be perfect!
★★★★★Only wish for one thing
I love this app. I started UFYH back when it was as far as I knew a trend on tumblr. Having an app for it makes it more fun and motivating. I only wish I could add friends and share pictures and messages in the app itself; I don’t want to share my pics to my other social media, it’s gross. I only want to share with those who are doing it too!