Utah Hunting and Fishing is a sports app developed by State of Utah Department of Technology Services. The latest update (v2.30), released on <em>May 01, 2024</em>, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 2.88 out of 5 stars based on 24 reviews. Utah Hunting and Fishing is <em>FREE</em> to download. The app is compatible with iOS 12.0+ and Android 11 or newer.

Utah Hunting and Fishing

Utah Hunting and Fishing icon

Genre: Sports

Ratings: 2.88

Version: 2.3.2

Updated 01/05/24

Downloads: 208

Utah Hunting and Fishing is a sports app developed by State of Utah Department of Technology Services. The latest update (v2.30), released on May 01, 2024, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 2.88 out of 5 stars based on 24 reviews. Utah Hunting and Fishing is FREE to download. The app is compatible with iOS 12.0+ and Android 11 or newer.

What is Utah Hunting and Fishing app?

App Description

Utah Hunting and Fishing is the official application of the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. With the latest version of this convenient app on your mobile device, you can easily store your hunting and fishing licenses, e-tag your harvest with a digital permit, identify a variety of species, have education certificates at your fingertips, look up your hunt-drawing information and do so much more.
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Download Utah Hunting and Fishing for PC/Mac

Ready to enjoy Utah Hunting and Fishing on your PC or Mac? Download the latest APK file version (2.30), which requires 40 MB of free space. Follow our guide using the recommended emulator, Bluestacks, for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For help downloading or installing the Utah Hunting and Fishing app, visit our forums.

Reviews on Utah Hunting and Fishing for iOS

★★★★★ It does what it’s supposed to do.
I’ve seen some reviews on here of people trying to get more out of the app than what’s really necessary. Like, are you really not willing to take 10-15 seconds out of your day to just look it up?
★★★☆☆ Update needed
I lost my paper license (which I prefer) but it’s nice I could download to my phone so I didn’t have to buy another. As far as the layout goes, MAKE IT SO YOU CAN SWIPE RIGHT TO THE PREVIOUS PAGE!! It is seriously so annoying that you have to scroll to the bottom of the page. ALSO, update the fish species and records. ESPECIALLY, the cutthroat trout, add a picture to the Yellowstone cutty! And add the golden trout in there, considering there is a state record for it!!
★★★☆☆ Download Poor
I downloaded the app because of the paperless license. Great idea except when the app updates it removes all your downloads. I shouldn’t need to check the app every time I go fishing to see if my license is still there. So now, I’ll be still printing off my license so that I don’t have to worry about getting checked and receive a warning because the app updated and removed my downloaded license. Or a ticket. This should be an easy update for senior developers to create a function that will p
★★★★★ Great Resource
Congrats to Utah DWR on a good job. This app gives me what I need and more than I expected.
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