War and Order Version History

Hong Kong Ke Mo software Co., Limited

Delve into the extensive archive of War and Order APK versions, featuring detailed notes and compatibility information for each of the 9 version histories collected since Sep 19, 2024. This page is dedicated to fans looking to explore the evolution of War and Order.

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    English (16) See all
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What's New in the Latest Version 3.0.110

1. Added the Orange Crown Artifact: Ice Crown. The Ice Crown can greatly increase the survival abilities of Infantry and Cavalry. Starting September 20, Lords can get it through conjuring or joining events.
2. Fixed some online problems and optimized the system performance.

War and Order APK Version History

Below is a list of APK file versions for War and Order. Please note that download links for each version might not be available, or only accessible after the developer's approval.

War and Order v3.0.110
War and Order v3.0.67
1. Upgraded the Star Palace Training System a) Renamed the original Star Palace system to the “Zodiac Palace”. b) Lords can unlock the all-new “Northern Constellation” when the Castle reaches Lv.17.
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War and Order v3.0.46
Fixed some problems and optimized some experiences.
War and Order v3.0.21
1. Reduced the Beast Level needed to unlock the Beast Talents from Lv.16 to Lv.12.
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War and Order v2.0.65
1. Optimized the
War and Order v2.0.41
The Hades
War and Order v2.0.14
1. W Coins have arrived!
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War and Order v1.5.41
1. April Fool
War and Order v1.5.12
1. Optimized the display effects of the UI in Benefits Center.
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War and Order v1.3.18
1. Added a Mute feature for only the Alliance Leader and Deputies in the Elite Wars and Elite Adventure events. 2.
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If you need help downloading specific version APK files, visit the War and Order forum.