World Clock Pro: Convert Time

by Alex Komarov
World Clock Pro: Convert Time icon

Genre: Utilities

Ratings: 4.80

Version: 1.6.2

Updated 24/07/24

Downloads: 170

World Clock Pro: Convert Time is a utility app developed by Alex Komarov. The last update, v1.60, released on July 24, 2024, and it’s rated 4.80 out of 5 based on the latest 1.3K reviews. World Clock Pro: Convert Time is FREE and requires iOS 13.0+ and Android 12 or newer to download.

Timezone Converter & Scheduler

Video: World Clock Pro: Convert Time Overview


Timezone Calculator that will help you master world clocks and time zones YOUR ULTIMATE WORLD TIME COMPANION Stay ahead of time zones with the World Clock Pro.
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User Reviews and Ratings

★★★★★ Please Add Gander Newfoundland
THE best APP for Long Range Oceanic Flight Operations crossing multiple time zones. Just read your FMS destination GMT time, rotate the legs on the clock face, and instantly read your destination landing local time! No math! No remembering “Z” time additions or subtractions. Effortless updating of international handlers, service providers, customs, immigration, agriculture, transportation companies, etc. Please add Gander Newfoundland
★★★★★ Going strong!
I thought I lost this app. It somehow got lost or covered up on my iPhone. Panic. But when typing the unique words “World Clock Pro Mobile” in the Apple Store, phew. (What Apple Store search algo forces this narrow search?) I have to constantly decide who I can talk to when. Or message them any time. Around the world. I am not a big traveller, but the globe constantly rotates…
★★★★★ Would like logo to look like app
Black and white not blue!!!
★★★★★ Perfect World Clock App
Simple yet extensive. An absolute necessity. Natural user interface.
★★★★★ The best of the best
Hands down, this is the best world clock. I’ve been using this for three years and have no intention to ever stop. Scheduling across multiple time zones is made ridiculously easy and error free. Add to calendar function is a real benefit.
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