Z.O.N.A Shadow of Lemansk is a role playing entertainment game developed by Igor Migun. The last update, v1.06, released on January 26, 2019, and it’s rated 4.43 out of 5 based on the latest 69 reviews. Z.O.N.A Shadow of Lemansk is FREE and requires iOS 11.4+ and Android 10.4 or newer to download.
Post-apocalyptic shooter...
Z.O.N.A Shadow of Lemansk Gameplay Overview
**** Attention: the game is supported only by ARM 64-bit compatible devices. Graphics optimized for Metal.
How to Play Z.O.N.A Shadow of Lemansk on PC or Mac
Want to enjoy Z.O.N.A Shadow of Lemansk on your desktop? Download the latest APK (1.06, 1 GB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
User Reviews and Ratings
★★☆☆☆No support for new Ipad, no option to customize controls.
Nice graphics, but poor controls
★★★★☆The Frozen Body Of water
Listen the game is amazing I’ve loved it and I’ve bought it the moment I found out about it, it was just that good, the controls are good unless yoy have fat fingers the indicator for what you have to do could be better but I can’t get passed the frozen body of water i don’t know if my game is glitched it or if it was never made, I know there was a waste area and possibly something after it but if I could just find out how to get passed the frozen lake i would love to continue the gameplay pleas
★★★★☆Poor control, These games help in solving his designs 💔
I love shooter story games, I die on them, A very sweet game, but the controls are very deserted and dead, so you can benefit from the wonderful design of this fantasy game to your game and i hope to solve the problem I hope that you will launch a new game, which is (Stalker) on the mobile phone. It will be great, and we can play it on the mobile phone. Like the (Pascal's wager) game, it was exported from the computer to the mobile phone, It is a piece of art among all phone games
* RIp Horror
★★★★☆Good game
Good game but keeps kicking me out of the game every few minutes. I onIy beet the game one ☝️ time it needs a update
Здравствуйте, я нахожусь на миссии «добраться до Северной»
И у меня на этом уровне вылетает игра в любой момент
Максимально куда я доходил это до развилки в тоннелях
Играю на iPhone 12mini ios17.1
Уважаемые разработчики скажите можно ли решить проблему вылета ?( сама игра мне очень нравится и хочу пройти до конца )