Zen Match - Relaxing Puzzle is a puzzle game developed by Moon Active. The last update, v220,000.10, released on September 18, 2024, and it’s rated 4.57 out of 5 based on the latest 241.3K reviews. Zen Match - Relaxing Puzzle is FREE and requires iOS 12.5+ and Android 11.5 or newer to download.
Tile Matching Mahjong Game
Zen Match Gameplay Overview
Playing Zen Match for 10 minutes a day sharpens your mind and prepares you for your daily life and challenges!
Want to enjoy Zen Match - Relaxing Puzzle on your desktop? Download the latest APK (220,000.10, 233 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
This would be much better without all the begging for our money. I counted one day , since I play multiple times per day, and there were more than 50 times I hit the close button on your self ads asking me t buy this pack or that one. When I open this app, I have to hit the x at least 7 times before I can play. If it weren’t for this issue I’d give you a 5 star rating.
★★★★☆Too many popups!
Please cool it with the popups! Leave your ads off to the side. I do see them. If I wish to purchase something I will but shoving them in my face on start up and between levels makes me less inclined to even play your game, let alone buy anything. And you KNOW I’ve spent a lot of money. Quit. It. I had about 8 just now. 8 is too many. 1 is pushing it.
★★☆☆☆Um, what the heck is going on???
If you look at my account, you can see that I play this game quite regularly and have spent a nice chunk of change playing. I’m not sure what happened, if there was a glitch with an update or what, but I haven’t been able to play AT ALL for about a week…..you open it and it keeps saying loading and numbers and codes (?) go across the bottom and…..NOTHING. Please fix this!!
★★★★★Fun and fast
Enjoying myself
★★★☆☆Can’t even play
I’m not sure what happened but as of a few days ago the game will not load.