ZEPETO: Avatar, Connect & Live is a social networking app developed by NAVER Z Corporation. The last update, v3.65, released on October 21, 2024, and it’s rated 4.63 out of 5 based on the latest 356.9K reviews. ZEPETO: Avatar, Connect & Live is FREE and requires iOS 14.0+ and Android 13 or newer to download.
How to Use ZEPETO: Avatar, Connect & Live on Your PC or Mac
Want to enjoy ZEPETO: Avatar, Connect & Live on your desktop? Download the latest APK (3.65, 455 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
User Reviews and Ratings
we should atleast get 5-10 zems a day i feel that woulf be fair cause some peoples parents wont buy them zems. So please give everyone some zems!
★★★★★I love it so much
I will not stop using this app
★★★★☆ZEPTO is ok but did not work for me!😭
From what I have herd ZEPTO is great and don’t get me wrong it definitely looks great in the adds! But I have redownloaded it 13 times and it won’t let me play anything I was super super excited about it and how u can customize ur avatar and make friends and all that but it just won’t let me, like I try to join a game and a few seconds later it’s just like nope u can’t join it and kicks me out of the game so I hope if u see this and download ZEPTO this does not happen to u.😘
★★★★★Some ideas!
Hello, I love ZEPETO so much, but I do have a few issues. 1. There is a limit to the wishlist?? I’m broke most the time in coins so I’ll save it for later. But only 1,000 is kinda sad to me. 2. There’s not much interaction with others, there is roleplaying worlds yet we can’t pick up people? Just an idea. 3. Have a easy way to earn Zems without spending hours to grind in a game OR buying them. Just an idea of course! 4. It would be AWESOME to filter our own wishlist. Thank you so much for readin
★★★★★Love it
I love this so much I just hit 1.2k I only have one problem I can’t get into my crew I heard it updated yesterday but I can’t get in at all