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Principales aplicaciones de 13 como BounceBud Physics Based MIDI para iOS y Android

¿Busca aplicaciones como BounceBud Physics Based MIDI? Hemos compilado una lista de las mejores aplicaciones alternativas para dispositivos iOS y Android. Las alternativas de BounceBud Physics Based MIDI son en su mayoría música aplicacionespero también puede ser entretenimiento aplicaciones.

Hay aplicaciones 13 similares a BounceBud Physics Based MIDI disponibles para múltiples plataformas, incluidos iPhone, iPad y teléfonos inteligentes Android. ZOA — Living MIDI Sequencer es la mejor alternativa. Otras aplicaciones similares a BounceBud Physics Based MIDI son SAND: Sequencer for AUv3, MIDI, ScaleBud 2 AUv3 MIDI Keyboard, MIDI Patch y RhythmBud by cem-olcay. Todas las mejores aplicaciones alternativas de 2025 se enumeran a continuación y se actualizan periódicamente.

BounceBud Physics Based MIDI Aplicaciones alternativas

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ZOA — Living MIDI Sequencer

Música Music | First release: April 29, 2022

ZOA is a creative MIDI sequencer that is both immediate and immense. ZOA uses a custom, musical implementation of John Conway’s Game of Life to generate melody, harmony, and rhythm.

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SAND: Sequencer for AUv3, MIDI

Música Music | First release: November 29, 2022

SAND is a powerful grid-based sequencer designed to create music using plugins and external MIDI devices in an efficient and effortless way.

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ScaleBud 2 AUv3 MIDI Keyboard

Música Music | First release: December 02, 2024

While maintaining the core functionality of ScaleBud, ScaleBud 2 adds a lot more features.

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MIDI Patch

Música Music | First release: May 27, 2024

MIDI Patch is a MIDI enabled App that listens for and processes inbound PC, CC or Note On MIDI messages received from bluetooth MIDI devices/apps and translates these messages to SysEx MIDI messages, which are relayed/sent outbound to connected bluetooth MIDI devices/apps based.

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RhythmBud - AUv3 MIDI FX

Música Music | First release: June 24, 2024

RhythmBud is a MIDI effect application that would transform incoming MIDI messages into the rhythmic pattern you will create on its editor.

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ChordBud 2 AUv3 MIDI Sequencer

Música Music | First release: April 05, 2024

ChordBud 2 is a MIDI chord sequencer where you can create unique chord progressions very quickly. It has a very powerful music theory engine under the hood with +40 scales.

Las mejores aplicaciones de Música como BounceBud Physics Based MIDI

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SomaFM Radio Player

Música Music | First release: November 25, 2020

SomaFM's official app, giving you access to over 30 year-round channels of listener-supported, commercial-free, underground/alternative radio, with all music hand-picked our award-winning DJs and music directors.

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Acordes GtrLib Pro

Música Music | First release: September 26, 2020

Explora la gran y completa biblioteca de acordes para guitarra en Acordes GtrLib Pro. Consulta todas las posiciones posibles para cada acorde, además de sugerencias de digitación y demostraciones de audio.

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Cali Reverb Modern High Gain

Música Music | First release: June 20, 2020

The Cali Reverb Modern High Gain Amplifier is the best emulation of another rock icon guitar amplifier that has defined the tone of heavy music for the last 25 years!

Las mejores aplicaciones de Entretenimiento como BounceBud Physics Based MIDI

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Entretenimiento Entertainment | First release: September 19, 2020

iSTB allows you to watch IPTV from MAC address based providers which use Stalker Middleware and providers using the Xtream Codes API.

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€ Billetes Seguridad Detector

Entretenimiento Entertainment | First release: December 04, 2019

Detector de Billetes Falsos.

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Numberzilla rompecabezas juego

Entretenimiento Entertainment | First release: December 11, 2019

Millones de personas en todo el mundo están enamoradas de Numberzilla, ¡el juego de números más popular!

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GameRev for - Forza Horizon 4

Entretenimiento Entertainment | First release: July 23, 2020

Dynamic seasons change everything at the world’s greatest automotive festival. Go it alone or team up with others to explore beautiful and historic Britain in a shared open world.