Principales aplicaciones de 18 como FuncBud Math Sequencer & Synth para iOS y Android
¿Busca aplicaciones como FuncBud Math Sequencer & Synth? Hemos compilado una lista de las mejores aplicaciones alternativas para dispositivos iOS y Android. Las alternativas de FuncBud Math Sequencer & Synth son en su mayoría música aplicacionespero también puede ser entretenimiento aplicaciones.
Hay aplicaciones 18 similares a FuncBud Math Sequencer & Synth disponibles para múltiples plataformas, incluidos iPhone, iPad y teléfonos inteligentes Android. MusicMath by laurent-colson es la mejor alternativa. Otras aplicaciones similares a FuncBud Math Sequencer & Synth son ZOA — Living MIDI Sequencer, SAND: Sequencer for AUv3, MIDI, New Path y ChordBud 2 AUv3 MIDI Sequencer. Todas las mejores aplicaciones alternativas de 2025 se enumeran a continuación y se actualizan periódicamente.
FuncBud Math Sequencer & Synth Aplicaciones alternativas

"MusicMath" is a musical tool that includes a timecode calculator, a tap tempo, a tempo to delay in millisecond and hertz converter, a note to frequency table converter, a sample length converter, a tempo change converter, and a frequency to note converter.

ZOA — Living MIDI Sequencer
ZOA is a creative MIDI sequencer that is both immediate and immense. ZOA uses a custom, musical implementation of John Conway’s Game of Life to generate melody, harmony, and rhythm.

SAND: Sequencer for AUv3, MIDI
SAND is a powerful grid-based sequencer designed to create music using plugins and external MIDI devices in an efficient and effortless way.

New Path - 2D Music Sequencer
Create surprising rhythms and harmonies by having colored shapes follow arrows on a two-dimensional grid. New Path is a unique and playful tool that drastically changes the way you make music.

ChordBud 2 AUv3 MIDI Sequencer
ChordBud 2 is a MIDI chord sequencer where you can create unique chord progressions very quickly. It has a very powerful music theory engine under the hood with +40 scales.

Euclidean AUv3 Sequencer
Euclidean Sequencer is an alternative incarnation of the classic step sequencer that has become very popular in the modular realm.

Harmonicc Chord Sequencer AUv3
Harmonicc – Create Inspiring Chord Progressions with Emojis! Dive into harmony without any theory knowledge!

Mini Synthesizer for iPhone
Electro-Harmonix, a pioneer since 1968 in the field of sound effects pedals for musicians, has produced an app which is a faithful digital re-creation of their circa 1980 analog cult-classic, The MINI-SYNTHESIZER.

Sunrizer synth
"This really is the synth that keeps on giving!

TROOPER Synthesizer
Thick basses, buttery leads, feathery pads — Trooper is a total synth explosion that crams it all and more in a neat little package. It sounds HUGE, yet tweaks easy.

Audio Function Generator PRO
This is the highly recommended and praised Function Generator App - an amazingly great and powerful tone generator. Enriched with a vast amount of features yet it is extremely intuitive and designed for simplicity.
Las mejores aplicaciones de Música como FuncBud Math Sequencer & Synth

EGDR808 HD Drum Machine
EGDR808 v3.0 está aquí con soporte completo para la unidad de audio AU3. ElliottGarage presenta EGDR808, una caja de ritmos que emula el hardware de la vendimia de los años 80.

Core Course For MainStage - 2
MainStage 2 is the live performance tool that ships with Logic Studio. If you're a musician, and particularly a keyboardist, MainStage 2 will become your new secret weapon.

Gap Click by Benny Greb
Benny Greb, well known for his contributions to the drumming education community, shared the approach he has taken to develop his sense of groove and improve his timing on his instrument in his course "The Art and Science of Groove." Now with the Gap Click app, everyone can practice his method easily using this intuitive app!
Las mejores aplicaciones de Entretenimiento como FuncBud Math Sequencer & Synth

Mensaje de Santa Claus!
¡Esta Navidad, sorprenda a sus hijos solicitando una llamada telefónica personalizada y gratuita de Papá Noel (Santa Claus)!

Cross Stitch Maker: Draw Realistic Embroidery!
Relax with the original pixel art! Cross Stitch Maker lets you draw realistic cross stitch on your iPhone or iPad!

Mister Maker: ¡Vamos a crear!
LA PRIMERA APLICACIÓN OFICIAL DE MISTER MAKER Ahora tus incipientes Mini Makers pueden ser creativos y experimentar con cientos de colores, estampados, papeles, cosas para pegar, caras divertidas, trastos y pegatinas diferentes de los Cajones divertidos utilizando 8 herramientas distintas y efectos especiales.

英雄坛说 - 白金版
玩家交流群:550583256 英雄坛说白金版。 在忠于原作的基础上 优化了打坐速度 对手机操作进行了优化。