Principales aplicaciones de 15 como Handy Recorder PRO para iOS y Android
¿Busca aplicaciones como Handy Recorder PRO? Hemos compilado una lista de las mejores aplicaciones alternativas para dispositivos iOS y Android. Las alternativas de Handy Recorder PRO son en su mayoría música aplicacionespero también puede ser entretenimiento aplicaciones.
Hay aplicaciones 15 similares a Handy Recorder PRO disponibles para múltiples plataformas, incluidos iPhone, iPad y teléfonos inteligentes Android. Handy Guitar Lab for B2 FOUR es la mejor alternativa. Otras aplicaciones similares a Handy Recorder PRO son Handy Guitar Lab for MS, Handy Guitar Lab for G2 FOUR, Handy Guitar Lab for MS y Handy Guitar Lab for MS. Todas las mejores aplicaciones alternativas de 2025 se enumeran a continuación y se actualizan periódicamente.
Handy Recorder PRO Aplicaciones alternativas

Handy Guitar Lab for B2 FOUR
Handy Guitar Lab for B2 FOUR is a remote-control app specifically designed for the B2 FOUR EFFECTS & AMP EMULATOR. With the app, you can download new effects, and manage which effects are installed on the device.

Handy Guitar Lab for MS-60B+
Handy Guitar Lab for MS-60B+ is a remote-control app specifically designed for the MS-60B+ MULTISTOMP. With the app, you can download new effects, and manage which effects are installed on the device.

Handy Guitar Lab for G2 FOUR
Handy Guitar Lab for G2 FOUR is a remote-control app specifically designed for the ZOOM G2 FOUR / G2X FOUR EFFECTS & AMP EMULATOR.

Handy Guitar Lab for MS-50G+
Handy Guitar Lab for MS-50G+ is a remote-control app specifically designed for the MS-50G+ MULTISTOMP. With the app, you can download new effects, and manage which effects are installed on the device.

Handy Guitar Lab for MS-200D+
Handy Guitar Lab for MS-200D+ is a remote-control app specifically designed for the MS-200D+ MULTISTONP. With the app, you can download new effects, and manage which effects are installed on the device.

Handy Guitar Lab for MS-70CDR+
Handy Guitar Lab for MS-70CDR+ is a remote-control app specifically designed for the MS-70CDR+ MULTISTOMP. With the app, you can download new effects, and manage which effects are installed on the device.

iRig Recorder
iRig Recorder 3 es una aplicación de grabación de audio y video flexible y fácil de usar para iPhone o iPad.

MultiTrack Recorder Plugin
This is an AUv3 compatible Multi-Track Recorder plugin specifically designed for AUM and other DAW's that don't support audio recording capabilities.

Audio Function Generator PRO
This is the highly recommended and praised Function Generator App - an amazingly great and powerful tone generator. Enriched with a vast amount of features yet it is extremely intuitive and designed for simplicity.
Las mejores aplicaciones de Música como Handy Recorder PRO

Come sit down for a session with our Tabla Pro. Experience virtuoso, realistic tabla playing, and let the fantastic Tanpura & SwarMandal sound inspire you to greater heights in your own musical journey!

SoundPrism Electro
SoundPrism Electro is a musical instrument which makes it easy to come up with great chord progressions.

NanoStudio 2
NanoStudio 2 is a powerful music production environment for synthesis, sampling, arranging, editing and mixing.

Koala Sampler
Koala es lo último en samplers portatiles. Puedes grabar instantáneamente cualquier sonido con el micrófono de tu celular.
Las mejores aplicaciones de Entretenimiento como Handy Recorder PRO

Sing Yourself – Villancicos 3D
¿Estás listo para el espíritu de la Navidad? ¿Te encanta bailar y cantar con Papa Noel y sus elfos? Pon un modelo en 3D de tu cara y canta canciones Navideñas para Bailar.

Magic Spider - My Pet Boris
This is the Original "Spider on Hand" app as seen on Youtube.