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Principales aplicaciones de 9 como Pinhole Assist para iOS y Android

¿Busca aplicaciones como Pinhole Assist? Hemos compilado una lista de las mejores aplicaciones alternativas para dispositivos iOS y Android. Las alternativas de Pinhole Assist son en su mayoría foto y vídeo aplicacionespero también puede ser utilidades aplicaciones.

Hay aplicaciones 9 similares a Pinhole Assist disponibles para múltiples plataformas, incluidos iPhone, iPad y teléfonos inteligentes Android. PinholeCam by lc-studio es la mejor alternativa. Otras aplicaciones similares a Pinhole Assist son Reciprocity Timer, Reciprocity Plus, TouchRetouch: Eliminar Objetos y Shadowrocket. Todas las mejores aplicaciones alternativas de 2025 se enumeran a continuación y se actualizan periódicamente.

Pinhole Assist Aplicaciones alternativas

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Foto y vídeo Photo & Video | First release: August 01, 2021

Note: Version 3 is a complete rewrite of the app. The simulation will not be exactly the same as older versions, and it is still evolving so watch for updates.

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Reciprocity Timer

Foto y vídeo Photo & Video | First release: May 01, 2020

Manage your film photography from start to finish!  Reciprocity Timer has 2 Version - the "Standard" Version does NOT include advanced features but can be used to calculate reciprocity on a range of common films.

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Reciprocity Plus

Foto y vídeo Photo & Video | First release: September 09, 2020

Reciprocity+ : photo tool, for calculating long exposure, for digital and analog photography.

Las mejores aplicaciones de Foto y vídeo como Pinhole Assist

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InstaSize Editor de Fotos

Foto y vídeo Photo & Video | First release: February 10, 2020

Con más de 100 millones de creadores, Instasize es el editor de fotos y video completo hecho solo para ti.

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Wireless Transfer

Foto y vídeo Photo & Video | First release: February 21, 2021

Wireless Transfer App is an easy to use photo and video transfer tool.

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Remote Legacy

Foto y vídeo Photo & Video | First release: July 16, 2020

Filmic Remote v3 ahora se llama Remote Legacy. Filmic Remote v4 ahora está integrado directamente en Filmic Pro v7.5.

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TouchRetouch: Eliminar Objetos

Foto y vídeo Photo & Video | First release: September 09, 2019

Tu aplicación de bolsillo para borrar objetos y eliminar las cosas no deseadas de las fotos sobre la marcha.

Las mejores aplicaciones de Utilidades como Pinhole Assist

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Utilidades Utilities | First release: October 27, 2019

Rule based proxy utility client for iPhone/iPad. - Capture all HTTP/HTTPS/TCP traffic from any applications on your device, and redirect to the proxy server.

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Backpack Studio

Utilidades Utilities | First release: December 01, 2019

Create professional sounding podcasts and radio from anywhere using only an iPhone or iPad. With backpack studio, Your podcast is automatically mixed and mastered while it’s being recorded.

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WiFi Priority

Utilidades Utilities | First release: May 16, 2020

With “WiFi Priority“ it is finally possible to prioritize to which available network to connect first!

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Dark Sky Meter

Utilidades Utilities | First release: January 04, 2020

The Dark Sky Meter app measures the sky brightness using the camera and shares it (optionally) with scientists around the globe.