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Principales aplicaciones de 15 como Pure Acid para iOS y Android

¿Busca aplicaciones como Pure Acid? Hemos compilado una lista de las mejores aplicaciones alternativas para dispositivos iOS y Android. Las alternativas de Pure Acid son en su mayoría música aplicacionespero también puede ser entretenimiento aplicaciones.

Hay aplicaciones 15 similares a Pure Acid disponibles para múltiples plataformas, incluidos iPhone, iPad y teléfonos inteligentes Android. Pure Piano es la mejor alternativa. Otras aplicaciones similares a Pure Acid son Pure Upright, Drum Beats+ Rhythm Machine, FunkBox Drum Machine y Future Drummer. Todas las mejores aplicaciones alternativas de 2025 se enumeran a continuación y se actualizan periódicamente.

Pure Acid Aplicaciones alternativas

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Pure Piano

Música Music | First release: March 04, 2024

Pure Piano is a professional, multi-sampled concert grand piano with a unique Morph Pad that allows you to explore a multitude of sounds ranging from mellow and intimate tones to surreal, cinematic textures.

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Pure Upright

Música Music | First release: January 23, 2025

An upright piano sits perfectly in pop, R&B, Hip-Hop, and many more modern music genres. That’s why it’s heard in countless iconic tracks throughout musical history with the upright at the heart of the song.

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Drum Beats+ Rhythm Machine

Música Music | First release: December 31, 2019

You found it! Drum Beats+ is the metronome app that improves your timing using great sounding drum beats, not a boring click.

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FunkBox Drum Machine

Música Music | First release: March 25, 2023

Funkbox contains all your favorite vintage drum machine sounds in one funky quirky little app! FunkBox is a full featured drum machine that you can use to compose, record and play your songs live.

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Future Drummer

Música Music | First release: September 16, 2024

Get ready to ignite your creative spark and produce electrifying tracks that will make your audience groove.

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Double Kick - Pro Drum Kit

Música Music | First release: July 26, 2024

Double Kick is a high performance studio quality drum kit. Customise the kit layout to suit your playing style.

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Drumtune PRO | Drum Tuner

Música Music | First release: March 30, 2021

Drum tuning isn't always as easy.  With a drum tuner on your phone, clearing drum heads to perfection is much faster & easier! Drumtune PRO analyzes your drum sound at each hit.

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Real Drum: batería electrónica

Música Music | First release: January 28, 2024

Un kit de batería es una colección de tambores, platillos y, a veces, otros instrumentos de percusión auxiliares dispuestos para que los toque una persona.

Las mejores aplicaciones de Música como Pure Acid

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FL Studio Mobile

Música Music | First release: October 27, 2019

Create and save complete multi-track music projects on your iPad, iPhone or Mac. Record, sequence, edit, mix and render complete songs.

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Guitar Gravitas: Total ed.

Música Music | First release: May 13, 2020

:. Guitar Gravitas .: es una herramienta inspiradora para guitarristas de todos los niveles que ofrece la librería de acordes, arpegios y escalas más completa, avanzada e interactiva de la App Store.

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Bach Violin Sonatas & Partitas

Música Music | First release: March 10, 2021

Historic Recording with Flowing Sheet Music SyncScore provides a new way of enjoying classic compositions. You can listen to the music with the score flows in a synchronized timing.

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iMashup - Mashup Remix App

Música Music | First release: December 16, 2019

Experimenta con tu música y escucha qué canciones suenan bien juntas. Crea tus propias mezclas en minutos.

Las mejores aplicaciones de Entretenimiento como Pure Acid

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Rising Card Magic Trick

Entretenimiento Entertainment | First release: November 09, 2020

A simple, powerful magic trick that anyone can learn, for iPhone and iPod Touch. "Amazing!" — David Pogue, The New York Times Featured by Apple.

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Geek Watch - Retro Calculator Watch

Entretenimiento Entertainment | First release: April 23, 2021

Dude! Check out this rad calculator watch that allows you to unlock totally tubular stuff by upside-down typing, playing with the stopwatch, or solving clues.

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Smart Ambient

Entretenimiento Entertainment | First release: July 11, 2020

Smart Ambient detects color content of the specified screen and aligns color of the HomeKit enabled smart lights. You can change color mode and change interval for smoothness and alignment for the content.