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Principales aplicaciones de 15 como Rozeta Sequencer Suite para iOS y Android

¿Busca aplicaciones como Rozeta Sequencer Suite? Hemos compilado una lista de las mejores aplicaciones alternativas para dispositivos iOS y Android. Las alternativas de Rozeta Sequencer Suite son en su mayoría música aplicaciones.

Hay aplicaciones 15 similares a Rozeta Sequencer Suite disponibles para múltiples plataformas, incluidos iPhone, iPad y teléfonos inteligentes Android. ZOA — Living MIDI Sequencer es la mejor alternativa. Otras aplicaciones similares a Rozeta Sequencer Suite son SAND: Sequencer for AUv3, MIDI, New Path, ChordBud 2 AUv3 MIDI Sequencer y Euclidean AUv3 Sequencer. Todas las mejores aplicaciones alternativas de 2025 se enumeran a continuación y se actualizan periódicamente.

Rozeta Sequencer Suite Aplicaciones alternativas

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ZOA — Living MIDI Sequencer

Música Music | First release: April 29, 2022

ZOA is a creative MIDI sequencer that is both immediate and immense. ZOA uses a custom, musical implementation of John Conway’s Game of Life to generate melody, harmony, and rhythm.

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SAND: Sequencer for AUv3, MIDI

Música Music | First release: November 29, 2022

SAND is a powerful grid-based sequencer designed to create music using plugins and external MIDI devices in an efficient and effortless way.

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New Path - 2D Music Sequencer

Música Music | First release: March 28, 2023

Create surprising rhythms and harmonies by having colored shapes follow arrows on a two-dimensional grid. New Path is a unique and playful tool that drastically changes the way you make music.

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ChordBud 2 AUv3 MIDI Sequencer

Música Music | First release: April 05, 2024

ChordBud 2 is a MIDI chord sequencer where you can create unique chord progressions very quickly. It has a very powerful music theory engine under the hood with +40 scales.

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Euclidean AUv3 Sequencer

Música Music | First release: December 02, 2024

Euclidean Sequencer is an alternative incarnation of the classic step sequencer that has become very popular in the modular realm.

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Harmonicc Chord Sequencer AUv3

Música Music | First release: November 05, 2024

Harmonicc – Create Inspiring Chord Progressions with Emojis! Dive into harmony without any theory knowledge!

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Gorilla - Bass Studio Suite

Música Music | First release: December 02, 2024

Meet the Gorilla Bass Studio Suite, the ultimate tool for bassists of all genres with midi control. This app is packed with everything you need to create pro-level bass tones effortlessly.

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Poolsuite FM

Música Music | First release: June 08, 2024

The ultra-summer music player.

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Guitar Suite - Metrónomo, Afinador, Acordes

Música Music | First release: August 31, 2024

¡La aplicación esencial para la guitarra! ¡Lleva tus habilidades con la guitarra al próximo nivel con la aplicación de guitarra con el sonido más real!

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BFM - Metering Suite

Música Music | First release: November 09, 2024

BFM or Big F*ing Meters is a macOS, Windows, and soon to be iOS compatible Metering plug-in designed exactly how the name sounds... really f*ing big.

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ScaleBud 2 AUv3 MIDI Keyboard

Música Music | First release: December 02, 2024

While maintaining the core functionality of ScaleBud, ScaleBud 2 adds a lot more features.

Las mejores aplicaciones de Música como Rozeta Sequencer Suite

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Música Music | First release: April 06, 2021

•Drones• The first part of the app allows you to play all chromatic notes in tunings from 432Hz to 444Hz in many different sounds.

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TonalEnergy Afinador y Metróno

Música Music | First release: October 21, 2019

Esta aplicación fue creada para músicos, ya sean profesionales o principiantes, que canten, toquen un instrumento de cuerdas metálico o de madera o cualquier tipo de guitarra.

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Descargador de Música / MP3

Música Music | First release: February 10, 2020

El mejor reproductor de música y video GRATIS.

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Neutron Music Player

Música Music | First release: December 30, 2020

Neutron Music Player es un reproductor de música avanzado con un motor de audio de 32/64 bits de alta fidelidad desarrollado internamente e independiente de la plataforma, que no confía en la API del reproductor de música del sistema operativo y, por lo tanto, te ofrece una experiencia verdaderamente única.