Principales aplicaciones de 8 como Spanish First Words with Phonics Pro para iOS y Android
¿Busca aplicaciones como Spanish First Words with Phonics Pro? Hemos compilado una lista de las mejores aplicaciones alternativas para dispositivos iOS y Android. Las alternativas de Spanish First Words with Phonics Pro son en su mayoría education juegospero también puede ser family juegos.
Hay aplicaciones 8 similares a Spanish First Words with Phonics Pro disponibles para múltiples plataformas, incluidos iPhone, iPad y teléfonos inteligentes Android. Spanish Translator Pro es la mejor alternativa. Otras aplicaciones similares a Spanish First Words with Phonics Pro son DELE C1 Spanish, Spanish Podcasts from Audiria, DELE B2 Spanish y DELE A1 Spanish. Todas las mejores aplicaciones alternativas de 2025 se enumeran a continuación y se actualizan periódicamente.
Spanish First Words with Phonics Pro Aplicaciones alternativas

Spanish Translator Pro
New feature - Translate your own phrase using AI from English to Spanish Spanish Translator is an application that TRANSLATES ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES TO SPANISH, accurately.

DELE C1 Spanish
◆The new version 2020, DELE exam preparation for smartphones! Improve your Spanish level dramatically by using it in your spare time!

Spanish Podcasts from Audiria
Are you a listener of Audiria Spanish Podcasts (http://audiria.com) ? Now, you can have an application that will let you listen to all those great podcasts from your iPhone, iPod or iPad!

DELE B2 Spanish
◆The new version 2020, DELE exam preparation for smartphones! Improve your Spanish level dramatically by using it in your spare time!

DELE A1 Spanish
◆The new version 2020, DELE exam preparation for smartphones! Improve your Spanish level dramatically by using it in your spare time!

Medical Spanish: Healthcare Phrasebook with Audio
#1 selling Medical Spanish phrasebook is now better than ever with audio, search, conjugation, bookmarking, unsurpassed functionality, and new sections requested by users like you!

DELE B1 Spanish
◆The new version 2020, DELE exam preparation for smartphones! Improve your Spanish level dramatically by using it in your spare time!

Spanish 21 Multi-Hand +HD
** Play & Learn Spanish 21 without the real-cash Freemium model. If you lose your virtual cash, just use the in-game ATM and get more.

Janosch: Oh, wie schön ist Panama
* GIGA-Maus 2015 (Bestes multimediales E-Book, Kategorie: Familie) * Deutscher eBook Award 2015 * App des Monats der Deutschen Akademie für Kinder- und Jugendliteratur (Juli 2015) * App des Monats der Zeitschrift Eselsohr (März 2015) * Sehr empfehlenswert - DJI Deutsches Jugendinstitut * Nominiert für den TOMMI Kindersoftwarepreis 2015 * Oh, wie schön ist Panama – das Abenteuer von Tiger und Bär als außergewöhnliche App zum Neu- und Wiederentdecken Erlebe Janoschs Bilderbuch-Klassiker und Bestseller „Oh, wie schön ist Panama“ völlig neu.