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Principales aplicaciones de 15 como Talkbox Synth by ElectroSpit para iOS y Android

¿Busca aplicaciones como Talkbox Synth by ElectroSpit? Hemos compilado una lista de las mejores aplicaciones alternativas para dispositivos iOS y Android. Las alternativas de Talkbox Synth by ElectroSpit son en su mayoría música aplicacioneso juegos aplicaciones.

Hay aplicaciones 15 similares a Talkbox Synth by ElectroSpit disponibles para múltiples plataformas, incluidos iPhone, iPad y teléfonos inteligentes Android. Pocket Talkbox es la mejor alternativa. Otras aplicaciones similares a Talkbox Synth by ElectroSpit son Mini Synthesizer for iPhone, Sunrizer synth, TROOPER Synthesizer y Animal Sound Group. Todas las mejores aplicaciones alternativas de 2025 se enumeran a continuación y se actualizan periódicamente.

Talkbox Synth by ElectroSpit Aplicaciones alternativas

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Pocket Talkbox

Música Music | First release: May 08, 2024

Now you can sound like Daft Punk, Stevie Wonder, Frampton and Zapp!

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Mini Synthesizer for iPhone

Música Music | First release: January 03, 2024

Electro-Harmonix, a pioneer since 1968 in the field of sound effects pedals for musicians, has produced an app which is a faithful digital re-creation of their circa 1980 analog cult-classic, The MINI-SYNTHESIZER.

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Sunrizer synth

Música Music | First release: August 11, 2024

"This really is the synth that keeps on giving!

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TROOPER Synthesizer

Música Music | First release: November 26, 2022

Thick basses, buttery leads, feathery pads — Trooper is a total synth explosion that crams it all and more in a neat little package. It sounds HUGE, yet tweaks easy.

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Animal Sound Group

Música Music | First release: June 16, 2024

55 Festivales y conciertos, 190 horas de música en directo, 176 artistas y 108400 asistentes a todos nuestros eventos. Animal Sound Group es una promotora con ilusión cuya misión principal es el entretenimiento.

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Instruments Sounds App

Juegos Games | First release: January 23, 2024

Esta app complementa el juego de mesa 'The Froggy Bands Card Game I', que se vende por separado, y ha sido concebido con el objetivo de enseñar a los niños en las primeras edades (a partir de 5 años) los instrumentos musicales.

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El Metrónomo de Soundbrenner

Música Music | First release: January 28, 2024

Un potente metrónomo, un intuitivo monitor de práctica y un afinador preciso, todo en una app. Soundbrenner hace que practicar música sea adictivo.

Las mejores aplicaciones de Música como Talkbox Synth by ElectroSpit

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Gap Click by Benny Greb

Música Music | First release: June 20, 2020

Benny Greb, well known for his contributions to the drumming education community, shared the approach he has taken to develop his sense of groove and improve his timing on his instrument in his course "The Art and Science of Groove." Now with the Gap Click app, everyone can practice his method easily using this intuitive app!

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Música Music | First release: March 04, 2021

iPeng 9, the music remote for the Logitech® Squeezebox™, has been designed for the latest iOS versions and fully supports all iPhone and iPad form factors.

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Amazing Slow Downer

Música Music | First release: October 20, 2020

Please note: According to Spotify, third party apps will not any longer have access to streaming Spotify content in a way that works for slowing down / pitch change audio starting September 1, 2022.

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Música Music | First release: December 08, 2019

Tenuto is a collection of 24 highly-customizable exercises designed to enhance your musicality. From recognizing chords on a keyboard to identifying intervals by ear, it has an exercise for you.

Las mejores aplicaciones de Juegos como Talkbox Synth by ElectroSpit

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Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Juegos Games | First release: October 07, 2019

Bienvenido a Vice City.

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Rusty Lake Paradise

Juegos Games | First release: October 07, 2019

Jakob, el hijo mayor de la familia Eilander, vuelve a la isla Paradise tras el fallecimiento de su madre. Tras la muerte de esta, la isla parece estar maldita por las diez plagas.

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Iron Marines: RTS offline game

Juegos Games | First release: October 07, 2019

De los creadores de la galardonada trilogía Kingdom Rush, llega la odisea espacial más extraordinaria.

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Angry Birds 2

Juegos Games | First release: September 09, 2019

¡Juega al mejor juego lanzapájaros revientacerdos del mundo! Usa el tirachinas para lanzar pájaros a las torres de los cerditos y derribarlas, todo ello para salvar los preciados huevos.

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Pubg Mobile

Juegos Games | First release: September 28, 2019

Nuevo Modo Temático "Despertar de la Luna de Sangre" ya disponible Las nuevas áreas temáticas Castillo Carmesí y Asentamiento Licántropo están disponibles por tiempo limitado.

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Heads Up!

Juegos Games | First release: October 01, 2019

It's the game The New York Times called a "Sensation!" and Cosmopolitan raved “Your existence is dull and meaningless without this life-changing app!” Get ready for endless fun with Heads Up!, the exhilarating charades-style party game that's taking the world by storm.