eliminar Election Manager 2016

Cómo eliminar Election Manager 2016

Publicado por: Lensflare Games LLC
Fecha de lanzamiento: November 10, 2016

¿Necesitas cancelar tu suscripción a Election Manager 2016 o eliminar la aplicación? Esta guía proporciona instrucciones paso a paso para iPhone, dispositivos Android, PC (Windows/Mac) y PayPal. Recuerda cancelar al menos 24 horas antes de que finalice tu prueba para evitar cargos.

Guía para cancelar y eliminar Election Manager 2016

Tabla de contenido:

Instrucciones para cancelar la suscripción de Election Manager 2016

Cancelar la suscripción a Election Manager 2016 es fácil. Siga estos pasos según su dispositivo:

Cancelación de la suscripción Election Manager 2016 en iPhone o iPad:

  1. Abra la aplicación Configuración.
  2. Toque su nombre en la parte superior para acceder a su ID de Apple.
  3. Toca Suscripciones.
  4. Aquí verás todas tus suscripciones activas. Busque Election Manager 2016 y tóquelo.
  5. Pulsa Cancelar suscripción.

Cancelación de la suscripción Election Manager 2016 en Android:

  1. Abre la Google Play Store.
  2. Asegúrese de haber iniciado sesión en la cuenta de Google correcta.
  3. Toca el ícono Menú y luego Suscripciones.
  4. Selecciona Election Manager 2016 y toca Cancelar suscripción.

Cancelación de la suscripción Election Manager 2016 en Paypal:

  1. Inicie sesión en su cuenta PayPal.
  2. Haga clic en el icono Configuración.
  3. Vaya a Pagos, luego Administrar pagos automáticos.
  4. Busque Election Manager 2016 y haga clic en Cancelar.

¡Felicidades! Tu suscripción a Election Manager 2016 está cancelada, pero aún puedes usar el servicio hasta el final del ciclo de facturación.

Cómo eliminar Election Manager 2016 - Lensflare Games LLC de tu iOS o Android

Eliminar Election Manager 2016 de iPhone o iPad:

Para eliminar Election Manager 2016 de su dispositivo iOS, siga estos pasos:

  1. Localice la aplicación Election Manager 2016 en su pantalla de inicio.
  2. Mantenga presionada la aplicación hasta que aparezcan las opciones.
  3. Seleccione Eliminar aplicación y confirme.

Eliminar Election Manager 2016 de Android:

  1. Encuentra Election Manager 2016 en el cajón de tu aplicación o en la pantalla de inicio.
  2. Mantenga presionada la aplicación y arrástrela hasta Desinstalar.
  3. Confirme para desinstalar.

Nota: Eliminar la aplicación no detiene los pagos.

Cómo obtener un reembolso

Si cree que le han facturado incorrectamente o desea un reembolso por Election Manager 2016, esto es lo que debe hacer:

Si necesita ayuda para cancelar la suscripción o más ayuda, visite el foro Election Manager 2016. ¡Nuestra comunidad está lista para ayudar!

¿Qué es Election Manager 2016?

Best apps for following the 2016 election:

Have you ever wondered what if? What if 2016 had gone differently, if perhaps your candidate had had a bit more money, been a better candidate, or just been a bit luckier? What if someone else had run? What if a third party candidate had just as much money to spend? Or maybe even significantly more? What could you do with a hundred million dollars? A billion? Ten billion? What if there were four competitive parties? How would that change things? What if there were no established parties running at all?

With Election Manager 2016 you can answer those questions and more... Try running an election on a shoestring or with an unfair advantage. Run as a Democrat or Republican, manage the Libertarian or Green ticket, or go completely independent. Let your adviser make all your decisions for you, or micromanage every decision yourself, or anything in-between. The choices are all up to you.

About the Game:

Election Manager 2016 is an abstract strategic election simulation game where you manage your ticket in an attempt to get your candidate elected to the office of President of the United States. Election Manager comes with a variety of scenarios, from a recreation of the 2012 election to a four-way election between independent parties. In addition, almost any imaginable two-to-four way election scenario can be designed by the player.

The Election Manager 2016 engine uses actual historical and demographic data to produce reasonable election results, taking into account factors such as partisan lean and voter elasticity. The player will not only have to consider states but also media markets, giving the game a strategic dimension due the inefficient mapping from one to the other. For instance, to target New Jersey's 14 electoral votes, the player would have to spend money on ads in the Philadelphia or New York City markets — but significant portions of those markets are actually in other states. So is it really worth spending that money there, or would it be better spent going after other states instead?
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