Bardcard Historial de versiones

Kevin Mikles

Profundice en el extenso archivo de versiones APK de Bardcard, que incluye notas detalladas e información de compatibilidad para cada uno de los historiales de versiones 3 recopilados desde Sep 14, 2024. Esta página está dedicada a los fanáticos que buscan explorar la evolución de Bardcard.

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Novedades de la última versión de 2.28

This update has been a long time coming! As we're building features for the next big content release, we kept running into scaling issues. In this update we've redesigned some core components and took the opportunity to address long-standing feedback. Here’s what is in this release:

Overhauled floor completion mechanics. Our number one piece of feedback is related to confusion on completion: What it means for a floor to be "complete", and players missing out on exploration opportunities due to thinking "complete" meaning "there is nothing else to do on this floor". We've changed how completion works by applying completion criteria to rooms instead:

Cards: Have all the cards been matched upon exiting?
Exits: Have all exits been taken at some point?
Items: Have you found all the objects outside of simply matching all the cards? (Example: Completing tasks are now required for completion as they grant items and other valuable objects.)

We've redesigned the "Floor Exit" screen to display completion criteria progress. If you've exited a previously-completed floor, the game will simply transition to the next floor (no need to keep seeing a "completed" screen over and over).

(One note: Under these new rules, the "Secret Passage" room on Floor 16 can no longer be completed as it requires data from the next big content update. Sorry for confusion! This will be remedied soon.)

Overhauled the "Map" Journal page. This is a big UI improvement over the old map which had major scaling issues and was generally buggy. The new map has smoother touch interactions and can be zoomed in and out to give you a better picture of your surroundings. It also includes the completion criteria for each visited room, and a "cards" panel that provides room information as you satisfy the different criteria. Let us know what you think of this new experience!

Many VoiceOver support improvements. We've added missing labels to UI controls all over the app including the Trap experience, the Embark experience (the screen where you can configure your equipment and attributes when a new game begins), and all screens in the Journal. We've addressed focus management on modals, so when you exit a modal focus should return to the control that triggered it. We've also improved swipe navigation to make it easier to locate content. Note that we still have many, many more improvements to make! But hopefully the game should be more playable now for VoiceOver users.

Increased the defense and durability of some shirts.

Increased the damage of many two-handed weapons.

Swapped the Wandering Healer for a Fountain in the Mystic Chamber on Floor 22.

Fixed a bug where inspecting an item in the "matched" screen (by tapping on the big item image) would render an informational modal missing specific information, such as durability and granted effects.

Fixed a bug where the game would recommend (via glowing equip slot) equipping a Lantern in a non-dark room, which would not help the player.

Tons of dependency updates including framework upgrades.

Various copy changes.

Removed lots of unused code and data.

Historial de versiones de APK de Bardcard

A continuación se muestra una lista de versiones de archivos APK para Bardcard. Tenga en cuenta que es posible que los enlaces de descarga para cada versión no estén disponibles o que solo se pueda acceder a ellos después de la aprobación del desarrollador.

Bardcard v2.28
Bardcard v2.25
Fixed an issue where Artifacts could be found multiple times from chests. The duplicate artifacts did not affect XP thankfully (as they are unique items) but it presents a confusing experience.
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Bardcard v2.22
Lots of infrastructure changes! We're building foundational features for Chapter Two content. Hopefully we didn't break anything :D But if we did, please reach out to us and we'll fix it!
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Bardcard v2.16
We've got a Discord server up and running! Added a link to it in the social media section of the About screen. Fixed the email address that populates a new email launched from the About screen.
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Si necesita ayuda para descargar archivos APK de versiones específicas, visite Foro Bardcard.