Blackbox Historial de versiones

Shapes and Stories LLC

Profundice en el extenso archivo de versiones APK de Blackbox, que incluye notas detalladas e información de compatibilidad para cada uno de los historiales de versiones 9 recopilados desde May 15, 2024. Esta página está dedicada a los fanáticos que buscan explorar la evolución de Blackbox.

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    Spanish (19) Ver todo
  • Versión inicial

Novedades de la última versión de 2.2.14

Hello? You there? Why won’t you pick-up the phone when I call? Oh you did but you’re listening in with Live Voicemail?… you and your gadgets… anyway I’m calling to tell you that “that” bug is “fixed” now. You’ll have to get a little more …creative but it ain’t so broke no more, capiche?

Historial de versiones de APK de Blackbox

A continuación se muestra una lista de versiones de archivos APK para Blackbox. Tenga en cuenta que es posible que los enlaces de descarga para cada versión no estén disponibles o que solo se pueda acceder a ellos después de la aprobación del desarrollador.

Blackbox v2.2.14
Blackbox v2.2.10
■ Updating a tutorial difficulty experiment
Blackbox v2.2.5
? Fixed a bug where sometimes Blackbox would ask for a rating immediately after the tutorial (overeager much?) ? Fixed missing Chinese translators in the credits! ? Fixed a rare crash Previously
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Blackbox v2.2.3
? Fixed a bug that had broken hint credit pack syncing across multiple devices (Thank you for the detailed report Ruthanne!) ? Fixed a bug that was preventing link copying and had broken sharing to Instagram stories from screenshots ? Did not fix that often crippling sense of sonder
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Blackbox v2.2
? NEW CHALLENGE: mysterious symbols have appeared
Blackbox v2.0.3
Captain's Log: It
Blackbox v1.9.8
■ If you restored an old purchase of either the Erudite or Push level pack but didn't have the other, you will now get it for free. I'm simplifying level purchasing into a single Combo Pack purchase.
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Blackbox v1.9.3
■ Fixed a bug that caused one orange challenge in the top left to crash on launch Previously on Blackbox… Hey friend, these are strange times so here are some strange release notes…
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Blackbox v1.7.1
■ Enabled haptics in mic based challenges (iOS 13 only) ■ Fixed a crash when screenshooting hints ■ Fixed a rare crash in the new store ■ Fixed a visual glitch on iOS 10-12 where the store would lose its blurred background and the hint coin would animate from the wrong origin ■ Fixed some margins on non-notched devices
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Blackbox v1.7.0
Brand New Store ■ Buy hint credits, burritos, and merch in hyper-ellipsoid style! ■ Check out your gleaming hint credits with a snazzy transition ■ Scroll till you drop with deliciously gooey scrolling ■ Easily join my communities on all the socials you could ask for (including some that you didn’t)
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Si necesita ayuda para descargar archivos APK de versiones específicas, visite Foro Blackbox.

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