Dice by PCalc Historial de versiones

TLA Systems Ltd.

Profundice en el extenso archivo de versiones APK de Dice by PCalc, que incluye notas detalladas e información de compatibilidad para cada uno de los historiales de versiones 9 recopilados desde Jun 7, 2024. Esta página está dedicada a los fanáticos que buscan explorar la evolución de Dice by PCalc.

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  • Versión inicial

Novedades de la última versión de 2.7.2

Added two new dice themes, “Pride” and “Identity”, which can be configured to display a wide variety of flags.
Added an experimental “Ultra 8K” graphics mode. This is mainly for me taking pretty pictures of dice, you very much do not need this.
Added some new alternative app icons.
Updated the Relay FM mode.

Historial de versiones de APK de Dice by PCalc

A continuación se muestra una lista de versiones de archivos APK para Dice by PCalc. Tenga en cuenta que es posible que los enlaces de descarga para cada versión no estén disponibles o que solo se pueda acceder a ellos después de la aprobación del desarrollador.

Dice by PCalc v2.7.2
Dice by PCalc v2.7.1
Added a new scary dice theme, “Ectoplasm”. Added an option to use Personal Voice on iOS 17 for reading out dice and results. All dice images are now drawn using vector graphics for sharper visuals.
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Dice by PCalc v2.6.8
Added a new bonus dice theme, “Vigilante”. Added the ability to edit dice fonts and add your own. Added two new dice fonts, “Borealis” and “Brakebills”.
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Dice by PCalc v2.6.7
Added a new dice theme,
Dice by PCalc v2.5.4
Added some app icon menu items to quickly roll specific dice, or flip a coin.<br> Added a new dice font,
Dice by PCalc v2.5.1
Added an option for various motion effects when you move your device. You can shake now the dice for real, or simulate a 3D display! Added an option to wake the app from energy saver mode on device movement.
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Dice by PCalc v2.4.1
Fixed a problem with the 120fps ProMotion display on iPhone 13 Pro.
Dice by PCalc v2.1.1
Fixed a problem with some settings not changing in the watch app. Fixed a problem with sounds when switching between different outputs. Fixed a crash in the watch app when playing sounds.
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Dice by PCalc v1.9
Added support for iOS 14, including widgets that show recent results and let you quickly roll dice. You can now choose a custom font for each dice theme.
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Dice by PCalc v1.8.1
Improved support for mice and trackpads on iOS 13.4. If a custom dice face name contains a "/", it will be split for the breakdown total. For example, "Advantage/Advantage" will result in plus two for "Advantage".
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