Formulify - Formula Widgets es la aplicación a deportes desarrollada por Andre Marinho. La última actualización, v2.80, se lanzó en September 21, 2024 y tiene una calificación de 4.04 sobre 5 según las últimas revisiones de 117. Formulify - Formula Widgets es GRATIS y requiere iOS 15.0+ y Android 14 o posterior para descargar.
For beginning, app brings F1 Calendar with all session times and even more, a countdown to upcoming Race Start.
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¡Disfruta de Formulify - Formula Widgets en tu escritorio! Descargue el último APK (2.80, 149 MB) o elija su versión preferida y siga nuestra guía del emulador Bluestacks para una fácil instalación en Windows o macOS. Si necesitas ayuda con la descarga o instalación, ¡no dudes en visitar nuestros foros!
Reseñas y valoraciones de usuarios
★★☆☆☆Completely paid
I fully understand that some features should be blocked under a payment, but I don’t understand start charging for something that was free in the past. I was using the widget to see just the schedule for the next race, and it just became pay to use? I don’t see any point in using this app anymore. Sorry.
★★☆☆☆Great, but everything is season pass now
Calendar and countdown widgets doesn’t work on the free version anymore. Disappointed.
★★☆☆☆Too expensive
I had the Premium last year and I was only using the schedule to see when was the qualy and race. Therefore, this year I was going with the free one. Now every widget is only premium.
I understand that the development has a cost but I’m pretty sure that no one is using more than 10% of the options that the app gives.
You are over developing an app that is great as a simple thing.
★★★★☆Update the data
I just found the app and think it’s very very cool, but I’d be great to already have the standing’s and statistics of the new season. Besides that it’s great
★★★☆☆Zandvoort schedule is wrong
I missed fp1 because somehow widget schedule for dutch gp is completely different