La Leyenda del Fénix Historial de versiones

Modo Game

Profundice en el extenso archivo de versiones APK de La Leyenda del Fénix, que incluye notas detalladas e información de compatibilidad para cada uno de los historiales de versiones 5 recopilados desde Oct 28, 2024. Esta página está dedicada a los fanáticos que buscan explorar la evolución de La Leyenda del Fénix.

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    Spanish (12) Ver todo
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Novedades de la última versión de 2.7.0

【Added Mini-Game in Games Bazaar】
A new mini-game, "Crazy Marbles," has been added to Games Bazaar. Complete the game to receive generous rewards!

【New Pinning Feature for Change Outfit】
No more worrying about losing track of your favorite outfits! Now you can pin your favorite items for easier matching.

【New Notification for the Land Merchant】
This update adds a new notification in the trading interface of the merchant, allowing players to easily see the number of items they own at a glance.

【New Message Board Added to the Imperial Farm】
Players can now leave messages in the Imperial Farm. Come and interact with other players!

【R. Clothes Bureau Adds New Costumes】
Unfading Innocence, Northern Light Glimmer, Autumn Glow, Swallow in Teal.

【Selective Outfits Dyeing Open】
Some outfits will be open for dyeing this time: Rising Dragon, Dreamy Green Vines, Snowy Dream, Golden Jade Destiny, Warbler.
More outfits will be gradually opened for dyeing, so stay tuned.

【Optimizations and Adjustments】
1.Fix some known bugs.

Historial de versiones de APK de La Leyenda del Fénix

A continuación se muestra una lista de versiones de archivos APK para La Leyenda del Fénix. Tenga en cuenta que es posible que los enlaces de descarga para cada versión no estén disponibles o que solo se pueda acceder a ellos después de la aprobación del desarrollador.

La Leyenda del Fénix v2.7.0
La Leyenda del Fénix v2.5.7
【Added Backdrops in Photo Studio】 The Photo Studio has been open for a while, and have you found the photo backgrounds a bit monotonous? Rich and colorful photography settings are coming soon!
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La Leyenda del Fénix v2.4.15
●New Function in Rankings: Fast Worship A new function is added in the Rankings interface — Fast Worship.
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La Leyenda del Fénix v2.4.9
Exciting New Updates 1.Add Room of Creation 2."Four Seasons Apparel" are added in grandeur gallery 3.Available to Change Outfit for Partner and Confidant in Land 4.Land Area Expanded
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La Leyenda del Fénix v2.3.10
Exciting New Updates 1. Players can construct Antique Shop and Theatre in Land now.
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La Leyenda del Fénix v2.3.1
?New Plot? Extra date plot: Song Wengong, Li Yue, Zhao Yun, Lanling King, Yin Qi are newly added. After getting acquainted with the confidants to a certain extent, you'll have the chance to activate interesting extra plots during dating ?New Cross-Server Marriage Requirement? When approving a cross-server marriage proposal, you can check if there is a minimum attribute requirement for the marriage partner.
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