My Singing Monsters DawnOfFire Historial de versiones

Big Blue Bubble

Profundice en el extenso archivo de versiones APK de My Singing Monsters DawnOfFire, que incluye notas detalladas e información de compatibilidad para cada uno de los historiales de versiones 10 recopilados desde Oct 21, 2024. Esta página está dedicada a los fanáticos que buscan explorar la evolución de My Singing Monsters DawnOfFire.

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Novedades de la última versión de 3.2.1

¡Actualizamos regularmente My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire para que sea la mejor experiencia posible! Esta actualización del tamaño de Pelgrano contiene mejoras y optimizaciones útiles para afinar el juego. ¡Diviértete monstruosamente!

Historial de versiones de APK de My Singing Monsters DawnOfFire

A continuación se muestra una lista de versiones de archivos APK para My Singing Monsters DawnOfFire. Tenga en cuenta que es posible que los enlaces de descarga para cada versión no estén disponibles o que solo se pueda acceder a ellos después de la aprobación del desarrollador.

My Singing Monsters DawnOfFire v3.2.1
My Singing Monsters DawnOfFire v3.0.1
The first ever OFFICIAL Seasonal Event has arrived in the Dawn of Fire - we're shivering with anticipation to introduce... SPOOKTACLE JUNIOR!
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My Singing Monsters DawnOfFire v2.9.1
We regularly update My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire to make it the best experience it can be! This Furcorn-sized update contains helpful improvements and optimizations to 'tune up' the game. Happy Monstering!
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My Singing Monsters DawnOfFire v2.9.0
As the participants of the ongoing Prismatic Praxis event continue to journey into the Prism Gate, you may have been wondering what's on the other side of the mysterious portal...
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My Singing Monsters DawnOfFire v2.8.0
The spirit of the season is alive and well on the Continent, with young Monsters getting dressed up in their holiday best and looking forward to opening the presents strewn about the Cold Lands...
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My Singing Monsters DawnOfFire v2.7.1
The Prism Gate shows no signs of stopping, but space is at a premium on the Outer Islands! With that in mind, the finest Monster architects and building planners have renovated the interior of the Outer Island Hotels to allow for two additional UPGRADES!
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My Singing Monsters DawnOfFire v2.6.2
The start of another new year is upon us... What wondrous shapes, styles and permutations will the Prism Gate spit out this year? Just wait and see!
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My Singing Monsters DawnOfFire v2.4.0
You’ll be resting on a cloud and sleeping like a rock with the new CLOUD + CAVE ISLAND HOTELS available in the latest update!
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My Singing Monsters DawnOfFire v2.2.0
Single-Element Monsters have had their fun in the Prism Gate. Now it’s time for the DOUBLE- and TRIPLE-Elements to shine! Look forward to three NEW PRISMATICS emerging from the Prism Gate in the coming weeks.
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My Singing Monsters DawnOfFire v1.21.0
You got a sneak preview of it during the last Nickname Contest, and now it's finally been found in the depths of Cave Island: Bisonorus, a NEW vocal Quad-Element Monster!
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My Singing Monsters DawnOfFire v1.20.0
We’re CHOMPING at the bit to reveal an ALL-NEW Quad-Element Monster: Incisaur! This reptilian Monster has the most intimidating, yet adorable, set of pearly whites the Monster-Handlers have ever seen.
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