Peglin Historial de versiones

Red Nexus Games Inc.

Profundice en el extenso archivo de versiones APK de Peglin, que incluye notas detalladas e información de compatibilidad para cada uno de los historiales de versiones 1 recopilados desde Feb 14, 2024. Esta página está dedicada a los fanáticos que buscan explorar la evolución de Peglin.

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Novedades de la última versión de v0.9.49

New Content

[New Status Effect] Transpherency
- Projectile attacks hitting enemies with Transpherency X will pierce through the enemy with X% damage
[New Roundrel Common+Starting Orb] Evasive Maneuvorb
- A low damage orb that provides a reliable source of Ballusion
[New Roundrel Uncommon Orb] Glass Half Ball
- An orb that applies Transpherency to hit enemies, allowing future shots to pierce through them
[New Roundrel Rare Orb] Spinny Bank
- Doubles the number of coins on each unique peg hit in a shot, gains bonus damage depending on how much gold is held when attacking
[New Rare Relic] Clear the Way!
- Attacks apply 15 Transpherency to enemies on hit
[New Rare Relic] Haglin's Hat
- Heal 10 whenever 100 coins are collected
[New Rare Relic] Spiffy Crit
- All attacks apply Exploitaball 1 (2 if the attack is a crit)
[New Common Relic] Flaunty Gauntlets
- Gain 1 Ballusion for each coin collected
[New Common Relic] Subtraction Reaction
- Add 1 Damage Reduction slime to the board for each time you took damage on the previous turn.
[New Castle Miniboss] Resistance Knight
- An adaptive (yet unintelligent) foe, ready for anything you have to throw at him (to a fault)

Balance Changes

Rainbow Slime health increased to 200/300 but starts with 100 Transpherency
Chopping Ballock and Forbification shield peg synergies have been increased dramatically
Cleavorb can now pierce through more enemies depending on how many crits have been triggered.
Spinterest Payment damage per coin has been reduced slightly to reflect increased coin synergies
Sporeshrooms now have a ranged attack on every second turn, they also have a chonky new look
Mines Ghost Miniboss pegboard now fills more slowly
Mines shade now increases its Muscircle and Intangiball after performing a melee attack
Lightning Rods no longer need to be defeated to win fights they are in
Slime is now powered up for every -3 debuffs instead of -5
Double Damage Slime now doubles the boost that it previously got from debuffs (so a -5 debuffed peg will gain +20 damage)
Ballusion no longer triggers on orb or relic self-damage, rigged bomb damage, or dragon's fire peg damage. Dodging an attack prevents the enemy from applying status effects to you. (We want Ballusion to be used on bigger sources of damage like enemy attacks, not self-inflicted chip damage).
Self-buff orbs now still grant their buff to you if their shot would do 0 damage and whiff
Pocket Sand blind increased to 15
Pebballs now cost 15 gold to buy in Haglin's shop
Beckoning Crit has been changed to Rare to reflect increased coin and crit synergies
Orbsium changed to Rare on Spinventor to account for increased buff synergies
Max player health is now limited to 999 to avoid display and demon wall issues

Historial de versiones de APK de Peglin

A continuación se muestra una lista de versiones de archivos APK para Peglin. Tenga en cuenta que es posible que los enlaces de descarga para cada versión no estén disponibles o que solo se pueda acceder a ellos después de la aprobación del desarrollador.

Peglin vv0.9.49

Si necesita ayuda para descargar archivos APK de versiones específicas, visite Foro Peglin.

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