Shred! 2 - ft Sam Pilgrim Historial de versiones

ASBO Interactive

Profundice en el extenso archivo de versiones APK de Shred! 2 - ft Sam Pilgrim, que incluye notas detalladas e información de compatibilidad para cada uno de los historiales de versiones 10 recopilados desde Oct 18, 2023. Esta página está dedicada a los fanáticos que buscan explorar la evolución de Shred! 2 - ft Sam Pilgrim.

Más información
  • Nombre del paquete
  • Calificación de contenido
  • Idiomas
    Spanish (1) Ver todo
  • Versión inicial

Novedades de la última versión de 1.98

Added Achievements
New Canyon Bikes
New character models
Major back-end engine improvements and file size reduction
Tons of bug fixes, and minor level tweaks

New graphical effects and lighting.
Better performance
Improved compatibility and stability

Historial de versiones de APK de Shred! 2 - ft Sam Pilgrim

A continuación se muestra una lista de versiones de archivos APK para Shred! 2 - ft Sam Pilgrim. Tenga en cuenta que es posible que los enlaces de descarga para cada versión no estén disponibles o que solo se pueda acceder a ellos después de la aprobación del desarrollador.

Shred! 2 - ft Sam Pilgrim v1.98
Shred! 2 - ft Sam Pilgrim v1.63
"The Zone" 4 new special stage levels mini chapter (we may have got carried away with these) 3 new bikes including Pinkbike's "Grim Donut" Improved bike customisation You can now go straight to Customise from in-game without flicking through to the main menu Options for German / French / Portugese & Spanish localisation
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Shred! 2 - ft Sam Pilgrim v1.59
All the good stuff from our console releases put back into mobile! -Improved Graphics & Environment art -Improved Animation -Loads of performance tweaks
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Shred! 2 - ft Sam Pilgrim v1.33
Improved controller support & minor tweaks
Shred! 2 - ft Sam Pilgrim v1.31
Added new bikes!<br> Countless tweaks to level flow<br> Improved bike physics<br> 2 new music tracks
Shred! 2 - ft Sam Pilgrim v1.29
Another fix for the connect screen -Sorry!
Shred! 2 - ft Sam Pilgrim v1.26
Another fix for hang on connect screen
Shred! 2 - ft Sam Pilgrim v1.25
Fix for frozen connection screen Fix for mobile control prompt on first play not assigning tilt buttons properly Mobile controls now hide correctly when gamepad input is being used Fix for progress being lost
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Shred! 2 - ft Sam Pilgrim v1.24
Fix for game hanging at end of level if not signed into Game Centre Fix for progress being lost Fix for Bike Customization Bug Gameplay tweaks to Knife Edge level Fix for camera bug on Storage Level
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Shred! 2 - ft Sam Pilgrim v1.16
-Added Bike Customisation -Added new "Motowhip" trick for the FS bike -Tweaked rider animations -Tilt control is now MUCH better! -You can now switch position of the spin and button tilt buttons
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Si necesita ayuda para descargar archivos APK de versiones específicas, visite Foro Shred! 2 - ft Sam Pilgrim.