Ski Safari Historial de versiones

Defiant Development

Profundice en el extenso archivo de versiones APK de Ski Safari, que incluye notas detalladas e información de compatibilidad para cada uno de los historiales de versiones 10 recopilados desde Sep 25, 2017. Esta página está dedicada a los fanáticos que buscan explorar la evolución de Ski Safari.

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  • Versión inicial

Novedades de la última versión de 1.5.5

This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.

Squished some bugs and fixed some compatibility issues.

Have fun!

Historial de versiones de APK de Ski Safari

A continuación se muestra una lista de versiones de archivos APK para Ski Safari. Tenga en cuenta que es posible que los enlaces de descarga para cada versión no estén disponibles o que solo se pueda acceder a ellos después de la aprobación del desarrollador.

Ski Safari v1.5.5
Ski Safari v1.5.3
Now optimised for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus! This version also includes a myriad of bug fixes and optimisations, including a fix for the infamous broken "Platinum Sled" achievement!
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Ski Safari v1.5.2
A sneak peek for our next big update and a new snowmobile<br> <br> Also some more bugs were squished.
Ski Safari v1.4.1
Some bugs have been squished and we've added a few shiny new items in the store.
Ski Safari v1.4
Welcome to the North Pole Its that time of year where reindeer and snowballs collide... well... at least in Ski Safari they do.
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Ski Safari v1.3.1
We've introduced a new Bug (a costume for Sven) and squished the big one preventing the game from saving. Also there's a new bug report button for those experiencing any other difficulties.
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Ski Safari v1.3
Monster Mountain slope on sale over Halloween 99% OFF for a very limited time. Get it quick while the monsters are in season Welcome to Monster Mountain, the height of horror and hi-jinx.
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Ski Safari v1.2
The next big update has arrived Sven has a new slope to conquer - Eagle Bluffs He'll be riding in style with more costumes, some fancy scarves, and custom paint jobs for your snowmobile.
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Ski Safari v1.1.1
Ski Safari v1.1.1
Some bug fixes and tweaks. Replaced an impossible challenge. No yetis were harmed in the making of this update.
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Si necesita ayuda para descargar archivos APK de versiones específicas, visite Foro Ski Safari.