The Mood Meter para iOS y Android

Published by Emotionally Intelligent School, LLC on Mar 21, 2014
The Mood Meter icono

Género: Education

Calificaciones: 4.64

Versión: 2.1.4

Actualizado: Jan 23, 2020

Descargas: 471

The Mood Meter es la aplicación an education desarrollada por Emotionally Intelligent Schools LLC. La última actualización, v2.10, se lanzó en January 23, 2020 y tiene una calificación de 4.64 sobre 5 según las últimas revisiones de 1.7K. The Mood Meter es GRATIS y requiere iOS 11.0+ y Android 10 o posterior para descargar.

Vídeo: Descripción general de The Mood Meter


The Mood Meter helps you identify your emotions throughout the day and supports you when you’d like to shift to a different emotion.
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Cómo usar The Mood Meter en tu PC o Mac

¿Quieres disfrutar de The Mood Meter en tu escritorio? Descargue la última APK (2.10, 83 MB) o elija su versión preferida y siga nuestro Guía del emulador de Bluestacks para una fácil instalación en Windows o macOS. Si necesitas ayuda para descargar o instalar archivos APK, ¡no dudes en visitar nuestros foros!

Reseñas y valoraciones de usuarios

★★★★★ Simple and powerful
I love the simplicity behind this app. The interface is just perfect: elegant, usable and with zero bloat. And its simple features are helping me to understand my emotions and try to shift my mood when necessary to match the task at hand at a particular moment. Thank you for keeping it simple and powerful.
★★★★★ Pretty good
I like the app but I wish there were more emotions maybe something like confused. Or stressed but not quite stressed - a more low energy version like unsettled, but there are no emotions like that so I have to kind of pick the closest one. Maybe this is a learning moment for me to organise my emotions within the app and then just describe them how I want to… I just found that there weren’t enough for me
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