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Le migliori app 14 come Dramatic Black & White per iOS e Android

Cerchi app come Dramatic Black & White? Abbiamo compilato un elenco delle migliori app alternative per dispositivi iOS e Android. Le alternative a Dramatic Black & White sono principalmente foto e video appma potrebbe anche essere intrattenimento app.

Esistono app 14 simili a Dramatic Black & White disponibili per più piattaforme, inclusi iPhone, iPad e smartphone Android. Bluetooth+ for Blackmagic è la migliore alternativa. Altre app simili a Dramatic Black & White sono Blackmagic Camera, Blackie by brutality-arts, Blackmagic BlueConnect e Black Screen Camera Recorder. Tutte le migliori app alternative del 2025 sono elencate di seguito e aggiornate regolarmente.

Dramatic Black & White App alternative

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Bluetooth+ for Blackmagic

Foto e video Photo & Video | First release: January 10, 2020

-- NEW External Controllers -- Connect Tilta Nucleus Nano & Nucleus-M to control Focus, Iris and Zoom, as well as Start & Stop Recording. Zoom and Focus control supported on Pocket 4K only.

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Blackmagic Camera

Foto e video Photo & Video | First release: September 15, 2023

Introducing Digital Film for iPhone and iPad! Blackmagic Camera unlocks the power of your iPhone and iPad by adding digital film camera controls and operating systems!

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Foto e video Photo & Video | First release: August 04, 2020

The perfect app for the Black & White photography. It doesn't matter if you've just started or you are a professional.

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Blackmagic BlueConnect

Foto e video Photo & Video | First release: December 06, 2021

BlueConnect is simple yet powerful app to control Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K, 6K or 6K Pro from iPhone or iPad.

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Black Screen Camera Recorder

Foto e video Photo & Video | First release: February 22, 2022

If you tap the top of the screen, the front camera will be used if you select the bottom of the screen you'll start recording by the rear camera.

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Teeth Whitener - Editor foto

Foto e video Photo & Video | First release: March 30, 2020

Teeth Whitener è l'applicazione definitiva di fotoritocco per sbiancare e illuminare i tuoi denti nelle foto. Puoi trasformare facilmente le tue foto illuminando e migliorando il tuo sorriso con pochi tocchi.

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Pocket Light Meter

Foto e video Photo & Video | First release: December 25, 2020

A light meter that is always in your pocket. It is indispensable for film photography with all manual camera.

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myLightMeter PRO

Foto e video Photo & Video | First release: November 21, 2019

Designed by a photographer for photographers, focused on RELIABILITY and PRECISION for digital and analog photography.

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iLightningCam 2

Foto e video Photo & Video | First release: August 30, 2020

iLightningCam 2 - The Second Generation - Real-time lightning photography with iPhone made easy. It enables everyone to take spectacular pictures of real lighting strikes with an iPhone or iPad!

Le migliori app Foto e video come Dramatic Black & White

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Foto Scanner Plus

Foto e video Photo & Video | First release: October 13, 2019

Scopri la soluzione definitiva per preservare le tue vecchie fotografie. Photomyne è il modo più semplice e veloce per trasformare le fotografie in file digitali e condividerle con altre persone.

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PicCollage: Foto Editor

Foto e video Photo & Video | First release: September 28, 2019

PicCollage - the app that lets you create anything to celebrate everything! With PicCollage, you can turn your photos and videos into memories you want to save and share.

Le migliori app Intrattenimento come Dramatic Black & White

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Zen Brush 2

Intrattenimento Entertainment | First release: September 01, 2021

Zen Brush 2 is a drawing app focused on the strong yet beautiful feel of the East Asian ink brush.

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OneCast - Xbox Remote Play

Intrattenimento Entertainment | First release: January 28, 2020

Take the awesome power of your Microsoft Xbox Series S|X or Xbox One console, and give it the portability and convenience of the Nintendo Switch.

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单机三国志4 群英蝟兴

Intrattenimento Entertainment | First release: November 09, 2020

建议系统版本为iOS 11及以上,并使用 iPhone 6或iPhone 6Plus及以上手机设备,iPad mini 5、iPad Air 2、iPad Pro及以上平板设备运行应用。 【应用介绍】 《单机三国志4》是OneOneGames工作室开发的第6作三国题材单机游戏。与前几作卡牌养成不同,本作采用即时战略系统。大胆的设想和不断的创新,终于开创性的在手机端引入了即时战略和实时战场模式。酣畅淋漓的战斗,五花八门的战术,静等各位新皇体验!

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737 Voice - Aural Warnings

Intrattenimento Entertainment | First release: August 02, 2021

All sounds in this app were recorded on a real airplane, an Air Berlin B737-800NG.