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Le migliori app 8 come La Mia Parrocchia per iOS e Android

Cerchi app come La Mia Parrocchia? Abbiamo compilato un elenco delle migliori app alternative per dispositivi iOS e Android. Le alternative a La Mia Parrocchia sono principalmente news appma potrebbe anche essere utility app.

Esistono app 8 simili a La Mia Parrocchia disponibili per più piattaforme, inclusi iPhone, iPad e smartphone Android. iSpazio è la migliore alternativa. Altre app simili a La Mia Parrocchia sono Fire Finder - Wildfire Info, WhatsHappen, Feedly - Smart News Reader e Polar Scope Align Pro Watch. Tutte le migliori app alternative del 2025 sono elencate di seguito e aggiornate regolarmente.

Le migliori app News come La Mia Parrocchia

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News | First release: January 23, 2024

iSpazio è l'applicazione che ti permette di restare sempre aggiornato su tutte le notizie che riguardano il mondo Apple.

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Fire Finder - Wildfire Info

News | First release: January 23, 2024

Fire Finder is your best source for finding information and images of wildfires in the United States. Display fire data on a convenient map with satellite imagery or choose from a list of fires.

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News | First release: January 23, 2024

We have the best news reader and RSS articles for you if: - You miss Safari's "Shared Links" feature - You're tired of subscribing to 50 sites to check the news - You do not want to spend the day "checking as read"

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Feedly - Smart News Reader

News | First release: January 23, 2024

Goodbye information overload. Keep up with the topic and trends you care about, without the overwhelm.

Le migliori app Utility come La Mia Parrocchia

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Polar Scope Align Pro Watch

Utility Utilities | First release: June 25, 2020

Apart from the most reliable app for polar alignment (with or without a polar scope), PS Align pro has become the astronomer's swiss-army knife with all the tools added over the years.

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Umrechner - Der schnelle, einfache und umfangreiche Einheitenumrechner

Utility Utilities | First release: May 21, 2020

Die neue Einheitenumrechner-App mit über 80 verschieden Einheiten in 10 verschieden Kategorien: + Länge + Fläche + Volumen + Gewicht

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Tastiera X-Key

Utility Utilities | First release: November 21, 2019

NUMERI, PUNTEGGIATURA e tastiera EMOJI integrata! X-Key è l’unica tastiera dello Store davvero completa e personalizzabile.

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Utility Utilities | First release: June 16, 2020

Requires a Mac with Bluetooth LE running macOS High Sierra or newer, and an iOS device with Bluetooth LE running iOS 11.2 or newer. Please make sure your devices fully support before purchasing Unlox.