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Le migliori app 10 come Spine Rehab per iOS e Android

Cerchi app come Spine Rehab? Abbiamo compilato un elenco delle migliori app alternative per dispositivi iOS e Android. Le alternative a Spine Rehab sono principalmente medical appma potrebbe anche essere health & fitness app.

Esistono app 10 simili a Spine Rehab disponibili per più piattaforme, inclusi iPhone, iPad e smartphone Android. Biomechanics of the Spine Lite è la migliore alternativa. Altre app simili a Spine Rehab sono Vision Compensatory Training, Pharmacies in the near, ICN Food List e stoic.. Tutte le migliori app alternative del 2024 sono elencate di seguito e aggiornate regolarmente.

Spine Rehab App alternative

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Biomechanics of the Spine Lite - Interactive spine

Medical | First release: March 21, 2024

The first digital tool that provides a realistic and movable 3D model of the human spine to help students explore and professionals demonstrate the structures and biomechanics of the human spine.

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Vision Compensatory Training - for Hemianopia & stroke rehab

Medical | First release: January 23, 2024

Stroke kan göra att man förlorar synen åt höger eller vänster. Vision Compensatory Trraining (VCT) tränar hjärnan att rikta blicken åt den blinda sidan med spelet Maze och läshjälpmedlet StreamLights.

Le migliori app Medical come Spine Rehab

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Neuraxial coagulation guide

Medical | First release: February 14, 2020

Neuraxial Coagulation Guide is the simplest coagulation profiling app for regional anesthesia and has been updated for 2017. Simple, to the point and VERY fast.

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Acupresión: cúrate a ti mismo - Easy to use massage guide

Medical | First release: May 19, 2021

"Agopressione: cura te stesso" è una app facile da usare con istruzioni illustrate su come fare massaggio puntuale con la digitopressione.

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Pharmacies in the near

Medical | First release: May 23, 2024

Finden Sie die nächste Apotheke in der Nähe, von ihrem aktuellen Standort aus. Außerdem finden Sie Krankenhäuser, Rettungsstellen, Tankstellen, Polizei, Feuerwehr und mehr.

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ICN Food List

Medical | First release: April 27, 2024

The Interstitial Cystitis Network Food List App is designed to help patients struggling with urinary discomfort choose foods that will soothe rather than irritate their bladders.

Le migliori app Health & Fitness come Spine Rehab

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stoic. - self-care mood & sleep journal

Health & Fitness | First release: October 29, 2021

Stoic può aiutarti a condurre una vita più felice e serena. Imparerai lo stoicismo e a gestire meglio lo stress.

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Rauchfrei, aufhören zu rauchen

Health & Fitness | First release: August 07, 2020

Quit it is now available for Apple Watch. Quit It is a tiny motivating program, supporting and encouraging smokers to quit smoking and helping ex-smokers to stay quit.

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Baby Sleep Sounds HQ+: Shusher - White noise for sleeping baby

Health & Fitness | First release: September 18, 2021

Aiuta il tuo bambino a dormire meglio con oltre 50 suoni di alta qualità. Calma il tuo bambino per farlo dormire e prenderti il riposo di cui hai bisogno.

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YAZIO — Kalorienzähler - Calorie Counter and Diet Diary

Health & Fitness | First release: December 29, 2019

Con la app Contatore di Calorie gratuita di YAZIO puoi gestire il tuo diario alimentare giornalmente, monitorare le attività e perdere peso con successo.

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