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Le migliori app 16 come Starlink Watch per iOS e Android

Cerchi app come Starlink Watch? Abbiamo compilato un elenco delle migliori app alternative per dispositivi iOS e Android. Le alternative a Starlink Watch sono principalmente utility appma potrebbe anche essere navigazione app.

Esistono app 16 simili a Starlink Watch disponibili per più piattaforme, inclusi iPhone, iPad e smartphone Android. Watch Calendar è la migliore alternativa. Altre app simili a Starlink Watch sono Slideboard Keyboard for Watch, U by 安徽华歆电子科技有限公司, Sounds Watch e BaroWatch by jose-maria-dubra-valenzuela. Tutte le migliori app alternative del 2025 sono elencate di seguito e aggiornate regolarmente.

Starlink Watch App alternative

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Watch Calendar

Utility Utilities | First release: March 23, 2024

Integration features: - full integration with your phone's calendars and reminders - select which calendars and reminders you want to see on your watch - set calendar priorities for complications when there's conflict between appointments on different calendars - mark reminders as done on your watch

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Slideboard Keyboard for Watch

Utility Utilities | First release: April 18, 2024

SlideBoard is a full QWERTY keyboard for iMessage (SMS) on Apple Watch! The functionality of the application - English, German, French, Spanish, Russian keyboards - The keyboard with all the numbers and signs

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Utility Utilities | First release: December 06, 2023


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Sounds Watch

Utility Utilities | First release: December 08, 2024

You can find the following sounds: 1) Relaxation. When you need extra relaxation when you have of a lot stress or help you in your meditation: - Rain - Birds

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Utility Utilities | First release: July 23, 2024

Ottieni le letture più precise della pressione atmosferica e dell'altitudine direttamente dal barometro integrato del tuo orologio. Perfetto per gli appassionati di outdoor e gli osservatori meteorologici.

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Racing Stopwatch

Utility Utilities | First release: September 01, 2024

Racing Stopwatch Features: -Two sector lap stopwatch -Normal stopwatch with one single sector -See the graphs of your run by sectors

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WiFi Map Explorer

Utility Utilities | First release: June 10, 2024

Main features: - 3D animated view of your local network, - Network analyzer tools, - build a heatmap of your local wireless network, - discover all devices connected to the local network,

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File Explorer Professional

Utility Utilities | First release: January 25, 2024

File Explorer is a wonderful local and cloud file manager that enables you to manage files on your mobil device. You can management your device files and cloud files.

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FE File Explorer Pro

Utility Utilities | First release: March 07, 2020

FE File Explorer Pro is a file manager app on your iPhone and iPad. It can access not only local files, but also files on your computer, NAS and cloud storages.

Le migliori app Utility come Starlink Watch

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Network Analyzer Pro

Utility Utilities | First release: May 28, 2020

An advanced tool for network diagnostics, LAN scanning, and problem detection.

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Utility Utilities | First release: October 14, 2019

Rule based proxy utility client for iPhone/iPad. - Capture all HTTP/HTTPS/TCP traffic from any applications on your device, and redirect to the proxy server.

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AdBlock Pro: Blocca pubblicità

Utility Utilities | First release: May 03, 2020

Risparmia dati e rendi più veloce Safari: blocca annunci, tracker e risorse inutili su iPhone, iPad e Mac Puoi dire addio a: • annunci e banner • video con riproduzione automatica

Le migliori app Navigazione come Starlink Watch

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Ski Tracks

Navigazione Navigation | First release: December 01, 2019

L'applicazione per sport invernali preferita al mondo. Creata appositamente per gli sport invernali, la pluripremiata app Ski Tracks sarà la tua più grande alleata sulle piste da sci di tutto il mondo.

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EXA SKI Tracker Premium Gold

Navigazione Navigation | First release: December 09, 2021

Ski Tracker Premium & Ski Tracks è un'applicazione per tutti coloro che amano la neve e gli sport invernali. Utile per sciatori e snowboarder.

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My Position App

Navigazione Navigation | First release: March 11, 2022

Quickly see where and how high you are on earth. If you define a target you can see how far you still have to go and in which direction.

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Navigazione Navigation | First release: May 26, 2020

Unisciti alla più grande comunità di cercatori di tesori al mondo con l'app ufficiale di geocaching!