Addams Family: Mystery Mansion Cronologia delle versioni


Esplora l'ampio archivio delle versioni APK di Addams Family: Mystery Mansion, con note dettagliate e informazioni sulla compatibilità per ciascuna delle cronologie delle versioni di 10 raccolte a partire da Sep 19, 2024. Questa pagina è dedicata ai fan che desiderano esplorare l'evoluzione di Addams Family: Mystery Mansion.

Maggiori informazioni
  • Nome del pacchetto
  • Classificazione dei contenuti
  • Le lingue
    Italian (45) Vedi tutto
  • Versione iniziale

Novità nell'ultima versione di 1.0.0

Finalmente si scopre l'identità del misterioso benefattore di Margaux: Il dottor Cyrus Strange! Questo vecchio cattivo degli Addams arriva alla villa per vendicarsi della famiglia dopo che hanno distrutto la sua reputazione e rovinato la sua vita!
- 1 nuova Strana Scatola stagionale!
- 10+ nuovi OUTFIT stagionali!
- 20+ nuove decorazioni!
- 10+ nuove animazioni!
- 18 nuove missioni!
- 3 nuovi mini-eventi!

Cronologia delle versioni dell'APK Addams Family: Mystery Mansion

Di seguito è riportato un elenco delle versioni dei file APK per Addams Family: Mystery Mansion. Tieni presente che i collegamenti per il download di ciascuna versione potrebbero non essere disponibili o accessibili solo dopo l'approvazione dello sviluppatore.

Addams Family: Mystery Mansion v1.0.0
Addams Family: Mystery Mansion v0.9.0
Лепреконы-ростовщики вернулись, чтобы забрать свои долги!
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Addams Family: Mystery Mansion v0.8.6
The Holidays are upon us and the Addams Family wants to host a special dinner with their favorite frenemies!
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Addams Family: Mystery Mansion v0.7.7
Pugsley wants to show the Family that he can be as smart as Wednesday, and conducts his own experiment...which ends blowing up in his face, to the surprise of no one.
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Addams Family: Mystery Mansion v0.6.9
With the temporal rift closed and reality saved by the Addams, the Family tries to get back to the simple things of life, like celebrating St. Valentine's Day.
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Addams Family: Mystery Mansion v0.5.9 - Nasty Nightmares
With a little mermaid magic, the Mysterious Idol has been activated, and with it, terrible nightmares have attacked the mansion.
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Addams Family: Mystery Mansion v0.5.0
In order to hide from a particularly aggressive group of Leprechauns, the Addams family goes all out in a post-apocalyptic paint war!
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Addams Family: Mystery Mansion v0.4.3
We see our lovely family gathering to celebrate their favorite holiday, and recall some of the highlights of their kooky travels across the country on their old and faithful camper.
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Addams Family: Mystery Mansion v0.3.5
The Spring season is here! Spring is in full bloom in the Addams mansion again, and this time Parker has prepared a ton of hidden eggs for Wednesday to find.
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Addams Family: Mystery Mansion v0.2.3
The Nostalgia Event is here! Reminisce about the adventures the Addams lived throughout their first year! The Nostalgia Event will feature decorations from all previous events and much more!
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Addams Family: Mystery Mansion v0.1.5
Oh Gomez, i was hoping to enjoy a lovely evening with you. I know, cara mia. But this spring rains have foiled our plans.
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