Archero Cronologia delle versioni


Esplora l'ampio archivio delle versioni APK di Archero, con note dettagliate e informazioni sulla compatibilità per ciascuna delle cronologie delle versioni di 9 raccolte a partire da Oct 22, 2024. Questa pagina è dedicata ai fan che desiderano esplorare l'evoluzione di Archero.

Maggiori informazioni
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  • Le lingue
    Italian (5) Vedi tutto
  • Versione iniziale

Novità nell'ultima versione di 6.4.3

1. Added Main Chapters to 90
2. Added new gameplay — Backpack Battle
3. Weekly Quest rewards now include Manor Keys (effective after Weekly Quests refresh)
4. Experience bar display optimized to show current experience
5. Altar Prayer reset time adjusted to a universal refresh time (no more 24-hour wait required)

Cronologia delle versioni dell'APK Archero

Di seguito è riportato un elenco delle versioni dei file APK per Archero. Tieni presente che i collegamenti per il download di ciascuna versione potrebbero non essere disponibili o accessibili solo dopo l'approvazione dello sviluppatore.

Archero v6.4.3
Archero v5.5.0
1. Added Normal Chapter 66 2. Legendary Challenge upgrade, reduced stage difficulty, added new maps and new defense towers 3.
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Archero v4.14.0
1. Added Normal Chapter 56 2.
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Archero v4.8.3
1. Added Normal Chapter 48 2.
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Archero v4.2.2
- New Main Stage chapter. - Legendary Challenge Season 2 is about to launch! - Heroes can now be evolved to 8 Stars!
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Archero v3.9.1
- Released new Normal Chapter 34: Sakura Court - Limited-time new event during April Fools - Added fun new weapon: Mini Atreus - Added new hero: Blazo - Added new slot in Jewel system
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Archero v3.2.2
- Newly added Main Chapter 26 - Land of the Dead - Mystery Mine has a new Battle Contract feature, you can use it to increase difficulty for more rewards - Newly added Weapon - Demon Blade-Rain, melee and long-range attack weapon - New Hero - Shingen, mysterious samurai - New Outfit - Family Armor (Shingen), Mermaid Garb (Aquea)
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Archero v2.8.5
-New Event added in Farm and Hatchery: Exchange, Clean, Dig, Identify! -New Hero: Lina -Hero Duel optimizations: Better rewards, Skill adjustment and Increased fraud detection -New Main & Hero Chapter 20 -New limited time Outfits
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Archero v2.3.1
- New System: Hero Evolution - New Chapter: Hero Mode 15&16 - New Event: Desert Ghost - New Weapon: Gale Force - 4 New Equipments: Piercer Locket, Bloodthirsty Locket, Invincible Bracelet, Quickshot Bracelet
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Archero v1.4.2
New Content: -Hero Duo: 2person teams; challenge to win! -Hero’s Adventure: 3 Heroes on an adventure; infinite challenges -15 Day Daily Rewards for all our Archers -New hero: Shari (take part by following our Facebook fan-page @archerogame)
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