Beat Blade: Dash Dance Cronologia delle versioni

耀素 卢

Esplora l'ampio archivio delle versioni APK di Beat Blade: Dash Dance, con note dettagliate e informazioni sulla compatibilità per ciascuna delle cronologie delle versioni di 7 raccolte a partire da Aug 29, 2022. Questa pagina è dedicata ai fan che desiderano esplorare l'evoluzione di Beat Blade: Dash Dance.

Maggiori informazioni
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  • Le lingue
    Italian (17) Vedi tutto
  • Versione iniziale

Novità nell'ultima versione di 3.7.5

-Blade Pass Season 4 'Blade City Invitation' remake! Leon's Blade, Guardian's Defender and more limited songs are coming back. Ready for the cyberpunk vibe?
-More information about limited blades and hats added! Now you could know exactly how to get those awesome limited rewards.

Cronologia delle versioni dell'APK Beat Blade: Dash Dance

Di seguito è riportato un elenco delle versioni dei file APK per Beat Blade: Dash Dance. Tieni presente che i collegamenti per il download di ciascuna versione potrebbero non essere disponibili o accessibili solo dopo l'approvazione dello sviluppatore.

Beat Blade: Dash Dance v3.7.5
Beat Blade: Dash Dance v4.0.2
-Enjoy the Love vibe, Pride Month is here. Get code from Beat Blade Official Youtube or TikTok channel. And wave flag to show your support to LGBTQ+ Community!
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Beat Blade: Dash Dance v3.8.5
-Merry Christmas everybody~ Update the game to get FREE Christmas theme song! -The snowvy winter UI comes with Christmas BGM to light up this December.
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Beat Blade: Dash Dance v3.3.1
-The "Space Rhythm" gift pack is now available! Unlock exclusive songs and high-tech weapons! -New "Emerging Cubes" added.
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Beat Blade: Dash Dance v2.6.1
- A NEW EXPERIENCE - the story of Blade City with 7 new levels are waiting for you to explore! - A NEW GAME MODE - a level with new game mode is hidden in the stories, find it and beat it with your skills.
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Beat Blade: Dash Dance v2.3.0
Blade Pass returned! 1.Enjoy second Blade Pass season in this spring time! Half of rewards are free to get, including 8 free levels, 2 awesome weapon and countless coins & Spike Smasher!
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Beat Blade: Dash Dance v1.9.6
1) 3 New Levels including 2 Monstercat songs (We won’t be alone and Neo Soul) 2) UI optimization and bugfix for iPad and other tablets 3) Better gaming experience
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Se hai bisogno di aiuto per scaricare file APK di versioni specifiche, visita Beat Blade: Dash Dance forum.