Dead Cells Cronologia delle versioni


Esplora l'ampio archivio delle versioni APK di Dead Cells, con note dettagliate e informazioni sulla compatibilità per ciascuna delle cronologie delle versioni di 10 raccolte a partire da Dec 18, 2023. Questa pagina è dedicata ai fan che desiderano esplorare l'evoluzione di Dead Cells.

Maggiori informazioni
  • Nome del pacchetto
  • Classificazione dei contenuti
  • Le lingue
    Italian (12) Vedi tutto
  • Versione iniziale

Novità nell'ultima versione di 3.3.2

Fixed performance issues in some biomes on iOS
Fixed text overlapping in Collector's UI

Fixed dialog window clipping out of screen when text is scaled up

Fixed missing controller support for FlaskGoggles view
Fixed improperly sized on splashscreen

Fixed missing Traditional Chinese localization in-game

Cronologia delle versioni dell'APK Dead Cells

Di seguito è riportato un elenco delle versioni dei file APK per Dead Cells. Tieni presente che i collegamenti per il download di ciascuna versione potrebbero non essere disponibili o accessibili solo dopo l'approvazione dello sviluppatore.

Dead Cells v3.3.2
Dead Cells v3.3.1
- Added Polish and Spanish LATAM localizations - Fixed slider behaviors with touch on the Options screen - Fixed crash when dying with Alucard skin while using japanese language - Restored language selection menu in the options - Added a dedicated option for Auto-heal within the Assist Mode
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Dead Cells v3.3.0
RETURN TO CASTLEVANIA DLC Time for some vampire slaying • New storyline - overcome the Ruler of Darkness alongside Alucard and Richter Belmont, • 2 new biomes - Explore Dracula's Castle and its outskirts • 9 new monsters - Werewolves, haunted armors, and medusas are waiting for you
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Dead Cells v3.0.2
- Fix null access issue (for real this time) - Fix a case where inventory would remain locked after completing Bank challenge room - Fixed TierSelect UI layout breaking with Arial or adys fonts - Restored controller rebinding accessibility options (for controller only) - Fixed title screen items overlap
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Dead Cells v2.7.3
Fixed achievements issues Giant now does knock the crystals from the ceiling as it should Minor UI fixes Fixed controller binding for switching map display Flask goggles can now be moved
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Dead Cells v2.4.2
Fixed Issues: . PS5 Dual Sense controller now properly detected, PS icons used . BT generic controllers with start/select buttons now get their own icons .
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Dead Cells v2.4.1
Hello ! This new patch brings : [FIX] - Some players are experiencing crashes with the new update. This patch should fix this.
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Dead Cells v1.6.2
This patch includes the following fixes : - The PS4 DualShock controller touchpad will no longer cause crashes - Flint can now be used with auto-hit - Better support of cyrillic within in-game interfaces - Fixed item
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Dead Cells v1.07
- Fixed auto-hit sometimes disabling itself when chaging save slot or going through the credits and restarting a game - Elite's shield pylons are now automatically targeted when auto-hit mode is enabled - Multiple fixes regarding UI position, size or behaviour through the various game modes - Fixed a crash sometimes happening when cinematics are interrupted by an external event - Fixed a very rare case of cloud saves corrupting over game upgrade
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Dead Cells v1.06
Fixed compatibility issues with cloud saves from tvOS
Dead Cells v1.05
Your game is now iOS 13 ready ! - Added support for PS4 and XBox controllers - On iPhone X, the home bar is now properly dimmed and takes two swipes to activate - Fixed issue with hero’s worm-sidekicks - Maintenance / Fixes on a few UI's
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Se hai bisogno di aiuto per scaricare file APK di versioni specifiche, visita Dead Cells forum.