Heroes of Steel RPG Elite Cronologia delle versioni

Trese Brothers

Esplora l'ampio archivio delle versioni APK di Heroes of Steel RPG Elite, con note dettagliate e informazioni sulla compatibilità per ciascuna delle cronologie delle versioni di 10 raccolte a partire da May 8, 2023. Questa pagina è dedicata ai fan che desiderano esplorare l'evoluzione di Heroes of Steel RPG Elite.

Maggiori informazioni
  • Nome del pacchetto
  • Classificazione dei contenuti
  • Le lingue
    Italian (1) Vedi tutto
  • Versione iniziale

Novità nell'ultima versione di 5.1.7

- Fixed issue where Granthorn smith would not start the important crafting project if Syvana
- Fixed missing dialogs at other smith's shops across the Underdeep inquiring about the best smiths in the known world if Syvana
- Fixed issue with Quagmire not pushing its death curse, improved its range and power of level 9 and 10
- Fixed issue with Occult Calling allowing you to throw spears 1 range farther than advertised
- Fixed issue with Preternatural Speed not showing that it uses Sorcery for its duration boost
- Fixed issue where Lifeforce Regeneration showed that its healing was based on Lore when it is actually Conjuring
- Fixed Level 10 Hex Web, trading +8 SP cost for only requiring 2 AP (instead of 3)
- Fixed issue with Hex Web description running off screen on smaller resolutions
- Fixed missing SFX for Witch Talents
- Fixed issue with Oskahold Reeve talking about a mace when a spear is given
- Fixed possible bug with Syvana Relic choices being repeated

Cronologia delle versioni dell'APK Heroes of Steel RPG Elite

Di seguito è riportato un elenco delle versioni dei file APK per Heroes of Steel RPG Elite. Tieni presente che i collegamenti per il download di ciascuna versione potrebbero non essere disponibili o accessibili solo dopo l'approvazione dello sviluppatore.

Heroes of Steel RPG Elite v5.1.7
Heroes of Steel RPG Elite v5.0.6
- Fixed reported crashes
Heroes of Steel RPG Elite v5.0.1
- Epic Final Episode 4 Expansion Pack: Siege the Sur-Relliar Glacier - Epic end-game conclusion to the tale of the 4 Harbingers - Battle across 7 new brutally challening dungeons and maps - Lock blades and magic with multiple major bosses across the climactic siege - Face 15+ new monster types -- Ice & Fire Drakes, Orcin Ravagers, Thorn Shamans, Unrequited Blades and more
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Heroes of Steel RPG Elite v4.5.23
- Hotfix for bug that prevents story for advancing when fighting Ravenna (contact andrew@tresebrothers if still stuck)
Heroes of Steel RPG Elite v4.5.21
- Improved iPad Pro Support - Heroes Skill maximums now increase to 22 at level 50 and 24 at level 60 - Heroes Attribute maximums now increase to 18 at level 40, 20 at 50 and 22 at 60 - Fixed stats on Thunderseam Mantle (40% Critical Dmg)
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Heroes of Steel RPG Elite v4.5.18
- Improved iPhone X, XS, XR and XS Max Support<br> - Added long-press for menu tips
Heroes of Steel RPG Elite v4.5.17
- Myshanna's story arc is now ready for completion in Freeport - Visit Freeport to make your decision and judgment - Added Fierhold Episode 4 fast travel network: travel between Fierhold, Brunehorn, Braeyshaulm, Freeport, Storm Bastion immediately - Added missing art for story item: Wooden Flute - Fixed bug where sometimes the Talents list behaves poorly
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Heroes of Steel RPG Elite v4.5.15
- Completely rebuilt the Orcin monsters in Episode 4 -- easier to hit, heavier armor, heavy hitters in return - Improved bows for sale in Fierhold -- now include 2 additional 3 AP range 8 bows - Fixed issue where Strength-based minimum damage could exceed weapon's max damage - Fixed odd red dagger floating under all undead monsters - Fixed a set of monsters that were using incorrect attack SFX
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Heroes of Steel RPG Elite v4.5.11
- Boosted and fixed Holy Retribution damage progression - Added +Critical % to high level Firestorm - Added +Critical Dmg % to Ferocity across all 10 levels - Added +Critical Dmg % to Energy Storm and Immolation across all 10 levels - Further nerfed Episode 4 Orcin
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Heroes of Steel RPG Elite v2.2.23

Se hai bisogno di aiuto per scaricare file APK di versioni specifiche, visita Heroes of Steel RPG Elite forum.