Hex of Steel Cronologia delle versioni

Valentin Lievre

Esplora l'ampio archivio delle versioni APK di Hex of Steel, con note dettagliate e informazioni sulla compatibilità per ciascuna delle cronologie delle versioni di 8 raccolte a partire da Oct 23, 2024. Questa pagina è dedicata ai fan che desiderano esplorare l'evoluzione di Hex of Steel.

Maggiori informazioni
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    Italian (1) Vedi tutto
  • Versione iniziale

Novità nell'ultima versione di 7.7.18

• 2-pdr to Canada.
• Supply depot to Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Croatia.

• Multiplayer compatibility version.
• Online chat compatibility version, it also now is split between platforns. Mobile has its own chat, and PC has its own chat.
• Capitulation UI window will now mention the name of the country that capitulated (on top of showing the flag).
• Units editor no longer will automatically save when you close the menu. You will have to manually hit the 'save' button.
• In the units editor, the game will no longer generate/display all units slots when the research bar is empty to prevent excessive lag.

• Online chat not working.
• Resizing issues in the map editor.
• 'isEngineers' property in the units editor would not be applied when creating/editing units.
• Hellcat (US plane) should not have been able to carry torpedoes.
• Bridges no longer working in mods.
• Some game manual (PDF) discrepancies.
• Supply depots for many nations were not available before 1939.
• Some games would be shown in the multiplayer PBEM menu even though they did not exist.
• Fixed the 'auto overrun' bug.
• PBEM games could sometimes not be deleted.

Cronologia delle versioni dell'APK Hex of Steel

Di seguito è riportato un elenco delle versioni dei file APK per Hex of Steel. Tieni presente che i collegamenti per il download di ciascuna versione potrebbero non essere disponibili o accessibili solo dopo l'approvazione dello sviluppatore.

Hex of Steel v7.7.18
Hex of Steel v7.3.1
WARNING: This update introduces 2 new settings which need to be manually setup by the player. I cannot modify default values of newly introduced variables, therefore you have to check your settings.
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Hex of Steel v7.2.3
CHANGED • Multiplayer compatibility versionning: 7.2.3. • Improved network stability when playing in real time multiplayer (reduced the amount of queries sent back and forth to prevent BufferFull error which was creating the desync issues) I therefore managed to reduce the amount of exchanged data/queries by 58%.
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Hex of Steel v6.7.10
ADDED: • Engineers to Mongolia. • Possibility to swap units with Allied AI units. Very useful to let's say use a harbour or railroads.
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Hex of Steel v6.6.4
Small fixes
Hex of Steel v6.5.01
Fixes to events in the map editor.
Hex of Steel v6.2.101
Fixes for the supply system as well as the damage system.
Hex of Steel v5.8.1
Added - Continue previous save button in the main menu. Changes - XP needed to reach next rank of commander goes up a little bit with every next rank.
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Hex of Steel v4.1.0
- Added : RADARs into the game ! RADARs will spot any plane in a radius of 5 tiles (you can edit this value in the editor). RADARs can
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