My Contacts Backup - Easy, Fast, Reliable per iOS e Android

Published by Gordon Kwok on Jul 26, 2013
My Contacts Backup - Easy, Fast, Reliable icona

Genere: Productivity

Valutazioni: 1.75

Versione: 5.0

Aggiornato: Aug 11, 2016

Download: 142

My Contacts Backup - Easy, Fast, Reliable è l'app a productivity sviluppata da World Wide App. L'ultimo aggiornamento, v5.00, è stato rilasciato su August 11, 2016 ed è valutato 1.75 su 5 in base alle ultime recensioni di 8. My Contacts Backup - Easy, Fast, Reliable è GRATUITO e richiede iOS 8.0+ e Android 7 o versioni successive per il download.

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Don’t miss out, a best way to backup and restore your contacts “My Contacts Backup” is the easiest way to backup and restore your contacts all from your phone without connect to computer or synchronization You can backup all your contacts with a single touch and send them to yourself as a .vcf attachment via email All contacts can easily be restored any time by simply opening the .vcf file in your mailbox with iOS Mail app
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