Planescape: Torment Cronologia delle versioni

Overhaul Games

Esplora l'ampio archivio delle versioni APK di Planescape: Torment, con note dettagliate e informazioni sulla compatibilità per ciascuna delle cronologie delle versioni di 1 raccolte a partire da Jun 1, 2017. Questa pagina è dedicata ai fan che desiderano esplorare l'evoluzione di Planescape: Torment.

Maggiori informazioni
  • Nome del pacchetto
  • Classificazione dei contenuti
  • Le lingue
    Italian (1) Vedi tutto
  • Versione iniziale

Novità nell'ultima versione di 3.1.3

This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.

Features Added
Additional font scaling range for graphics options

Bug Fixes
Cranium Rats spawn in fight with Many-as-One
Missing gate guard added back to the Foundry
Drusilla now realizes Ignus has been freed
Vrischika will now purchase the Portal Lens
Mantuok does not appear again after he is dead
Bonus Hit Points from CON continue to be granted after level 10
The Rearrange Party feature now works as it did in the original game
The "Linear scaling" box now controls linear scaling consistently whether using DirectX or OpenGL
"Eye" items with alignment restrictions no longer grant the player passive benefits when they shouldn’t
Exceptional strength 18/01 no longer shows as 18/1
Ravel's cutscene with TTO no longer stops before the end
Changing character class in an area now does not cause portal triggers to cancel out
The game does not end if TNO is killed in the Smoldering Corpse bar
Zoom Lock should no longer distorts cinematic spells
The "Lost Item" feedback message now appears when TNO loses an item
Cutscenes return camera to the level of zoom they started in
Turning off "Critical Hit Screen Shake" in the baldur.lua file disables screen shake during critical hits
Right clicking joinable NPCs no longer produces selection sounds
Voice actor names have been corrected in the credits
Added default names to save games
The party can now get to the Pillar of Skulls when using single file formation
Dialogue about breaking out of prison does not happen if party isn't imprisoned
The GUI returns after Ravels death
Fixed Pestle Kilnn’s missing textures
PST:EE supports loading M_*.lua files
Smooth Area Transitions should no longer reduces voice volume when arriving in a new area
Fixed the Lock View on Character tooltip so it does not overlap the button/arrow

Casting Chromatic Orb at night no longer leaves the screen green
Ice Knife's THAC0 penalty is now temporary
The level of zoom in the Shattered Crypt does not affect Lesser Vargouilles' spawning
Infernal Shield cannot be dispelled by quickload anymore
The Fog of War now reappears after Abyssal Fury is cast and the victim fails their saving throw
Stygian Ice Storm visuals have been fixed
Tricha in the Curst pit fight now runs
Silhouettes no longer appear during cutscene spells
Guardian Mantle does not last forever anymore
Morte's Litany of Curses now gets harder to resist as he learns new taunts
Using Guard should set the party to guard an area does not toggle the draw selection button anymore

[French] Dialog with Fhjull is now fully translated
[French, German] Aegis of Torment description has been fully translated
[French] 'défilement' now contains a hyphen
[French] Quell is now translated consistently
[German, French] Fixed dialog errors in Lower Ward quests
[German] Typo fixes
[Korean] Translations suggestions and typo fixes added
[All non-English] Saving using the default name now works

Cronologia delle versioni dell'APK Planescape: Torment

Di seguito è riportato un elenco delle versioni dei file APK per Planescape: Torment. Tieni presente che i collegamenti per il download di ciascuna versione potrebbero non essere disponibili o accessibili solo dopo l'approvazione dello sviluppatore.

Planescape: Torment v3.1.3

Se hai bisogno di aiuto per scaricare file APK di versioni specifiche, visita Planescape: Torment forum.