The Quest Cronologia delle versioni


Esplora l'ampio archivio delle versioni APK di The Quest, con note dettagliate e informazioni sulla compatibilità per ciascuna delle cronologie delle versioni di 9 raccolte a partire da Aug 7, 2024. Questa pagina è dedicata ai fan che desiderano esplorare l'evoluzione di The Quest.

Maggiori informazioni
  • Nome del pacchetto
  • Classificazione dei contenuti
  • Le lingue
    Italian (1) Vedi tutto
  • Versione iniziale

Novità nell'ultima versione di 20.0.4

- [HOL V]: If Shun is exorcised before talking to Chin, Chin will still recognize that and solve the quest.
- [CCS]: Blue candle in Thunderglow Castle now allows you to set visible the square that will teleport you back to the beginning of the castle.

Cronologia delle versioni dell'APK The Quest

Di seguito è riportato un elenco delle versioni dei file APK per The Quest. Tieni presente che i collegamenti per il download di ciascuna versione potrebbero non essere disponibili o accessibili solo dopo l'approvazione dello sviluppatore.

The Quest v20.0.4
The Quest v20.0.2
- [Ragnar's Revenge]: Vic in Lake Tyralon now trades the shield the player gets from Axe for a better shield.
The Quest v19.0.1
- [HOL]: Typos fixed. - [HOL II]: A few keys added to a window in Ezersk - Tower Island. - [HOL III]: Sign on the magic shop on Queen of Kradotin Island fixed.
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The Quest v18.0.3
- [Curse of Linmore]: Old Shaman will now talk to the player about the curse even if they have already talked to the Hollow Sybil. - [Curse of Linmore]: Phredd can now also solve the Gain Knowledge quest.
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The Quest v18.0.2
- [HOL IV]: The hole on the first floor of Kozney's Castle that leads to the upper floors is now always visible.
The Quest v18.0.1
- [HOL IV]: - Igor the Bogatyr in the Yug River Valley can help with the "Awaken the Bogatyrs" quest. - He can also take the player to the island of the Ferryman now.
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The Quest v17.0
- Required for 'Mithril Horde II' expansion. - [Thor's Hammer]: Cureall potion is now sold by Fimmi the Alchemist. - [Asteroids]: - Improved handling of the 'Seal the Shaft' quest.
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The Quest v16.0.1
- [HOL IV]: A blue candle can now be tapped on the Third Floor of Kozney's dungeon to teleport past some troublesome bubbles.
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The Quest v15.0.2
- [Basilisk's Eye]: The Breezy Sword can now be purchased from Hamid the Smith. - [Mithril Horde]: - Typo fixed in Mithril Darning Needle quest description.
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The Quest v14.0.2
- [HOL V]: - A Lockpick has been added to Sisay the Blacksmith's window if the quest to search his basement is acquired. - The shops in Forgotto Grotto are now always open.
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