A Game of Thrones: Board Game История версий


Погрузитесь в обширный архив версий APK A Game of Thrones: Board Game, содержащий подробные примечания и информацию о совместимости для каждой истории версий 4, собранной после Feb 8, 2023. Эта страница посвящена фанатам, желающим узнать об эволюции A Game of Thrones: Board Game.

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Что нового в последней версии 1.1.0

Bug Fix:
- Fixed a bug that occurred when using the March order on a region with a power token.

- "Asmodee Digital Splash Screen" has been replaced by the Twin Sails logo
- Asmodee.net text has been replaced with "AsmoConnect"

A Game of Thrones: Board Game APK История версий

Ниже приведен список версий APK-файлов для A Game of Thrones: Board Game. Обратите внимание, что ссылки для скачивания каждой версии могут быть недоступны или доступны только после одобрения разработчика.

A Game of Thrones: Board Game v1.1.0
A Game of Thrones: Board Game v1.0.1
Bug fixes: - Art for House Arryn not displaying correctly on victory screen - Fixed a bug that allowed players to retreat from sea zones to unowned ports - Fixed a bug where Pyke Port was not disabled for retreat - Fixed an Incorrect tie breaker rule is used for "A Feast for Crows" DLC
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A Game of Thrones: Board Game v1.0.0
- Various online desynchronization issues have been resolved. - Balon Greyjoy's effect cancels card strength adding effect on top of the base strength.
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A Game of Thrones: Board Game v0.9.6
- Softlock: GP: Multiplayer: Rodrik the Reader causes different cards to be drawn when choosing Winter is Coming - PM: HUD: Multiplayer: After bidding for the iron throne, the timers for online Players disappear - Softlock: PM: Bidding: Match softlocks when a User reconnects to a match where they are supposed to bid - Multiplayer: PM: Bidding: If a player S&E's during bidding, their bid number is not displayed when rejoining - Softlock: GP: Multiplayer: Users see wrong bidding amounts from others when reconnecting to Wildling attacks after bidding
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