Русские Шашки История версий


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Что нового в последней версии 11.3

Несколько незначительных технических корректировок

Русские Шашки APK История версий

Ниже приведен список версий APK-файлов для Русские Шашки. Обратите внимание, что ссылки для скачивания каждой версии могут быть недоступны или доступны только после одобрения разработчика.

Русские Шашки v11.3
Русские Шашки v11.0
I am delighted to present to you version 11 of our checkers game for iOS. This new version offers several improvements and bug fixes to provide a better gaming experience.
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Русские Шашки v10.10
The bug for the landscape mode for premium version under iPad with iOS16 has been fixed
Русские Шашки v10.6
- Horizontal game on iPad - Quick access button to online game that appears when players are present on the network - Apple Family activation, for purchases starting September 15, 2022 (not retroactive)
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Русские Шашки v10.0
Rewriting of the graphic parts, and animations, of the program to fit with the latest version of the Apple's libraries. This huge work has improved the overall reliability of the app.
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Русские Шашки v8.14
Update of the external libraries for a better stability
Русские Шашки v8.8.1
Added an in-app ad for my other app: Othello expert, one of the few genuine official game<br> Minor improvements
Русские Шашки v8.5
Stability improvement<br> iOS13 optimization<br> Widescreen iPhone display bug fix
Русские Шашки v8.0.9
A new version to better comply with the latest iOS version. A bug that was blocking non-premium players in the middle of the game, has been fixed (that's a series, sorry for that).
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Русские Шашки v8.0.8
Fixed a few minor bugs such as: - a display bug, checkers were appearing behind the menu in some cases - online game request cancellation which blocked Game Center when the next request was done too quickly Added a FAQ button which answers most of the questions players ask me through emails
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