Dart Scoreboard Pro История версий

Jonathan Hill

Погрузитесь в обширный архив версий APK Dart Scoreboard Pro, содержащий подробные примечания и информацию о совместимости для каждой истории версий 7, собранной после Feb 1, 2021. Эта страница посвящена фанатам, желающим узнать об эволюции Dart Scoreboard Pro.

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Что нового в последней версии 4.5.1

This is a major update! New games, new ways to play existing games, faster ways to enter scores, new standalone Apple Watch App and much more!

Wild Card Cricket
Customize what numbers to throw at for Cricket and Shanghai
New standalone Apple Watch app with support for all new and existing games
Better interface for long pressing to enter doubles and triples
Faster and more responsive double and triple tap
Brought back swipe to delete for scoring errors
Completely new interface for starting new games with more customization options
Ability to rearrange players between games
Setting to automatically advance to the next player after a period of time
Option to announce current scores and next player
Sound effects

* Bug fixes for x01 and Airplay Mirroring to Apple TV

Dart Scoreboard Pro APK История версий

Ниже приведен список версий APK-файлов для Dart Scoreboard Pro. Обратите внимание, что ссылки для скачивания каждой версии могут быть недоступны или доступны только после одобрения разработчика.

Dart Scoreboard Pro v4.5.1
Dart Scoreboard Pro v4.1.0
Now supports double in/out settings for 301 and suggested outs! • iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR and new iPad Pro compatibility • Apple Watch Series 4 support and new complication designs • More prominent design to make viewing at a distance easier
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Dart Scoreboard Pro v4.0.5
• Added round total when playing 301/501 (user requested feature) Version 4.0 • Redesigned interface!
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Dart Scoreboard Pro v4.0.4
• Redesigned interface! Updated for iPhoneX, iOS 11, and WatchOS 4 • To enter score, just double or triple tap a button to enter a double or triple (or long press) • After each turn, hit "Next" to advance to the next player • 1-5 Player support (user requested feature) • Statistics: MPR, PPD, PPR (user requested feature)
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Dart Scoreboard Pro v4.0.3
• Redesigned interface! Updated for iPhoneX, iOS 11, and WatchOS 4 • To enter score, just double or triple tap a button to enter a double or triple (or long press) • After each turn, hit "Next" to advance to the next player • 1-5 Player support (user requested feature) • Statistics: MPR, PPD, PPR (user requested feature)
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Dart Scoreboard Pro v4.0.2
• Redesigned interface! Updated for iPhoneX, iOS 11, and WatchOS 4 • To enter score, just double or triple tap a button to enter a double or triple (or long press) • After each turn, hit "Next" to advance to the next player • 1-5 Player support (user requested feature) • Statistics: MPR, PPD, PPR (user requested feature)
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Dart Scoreboard Pro v4.0.1
• Redesigned interface! Updated for iPhoneX, iOS 11, and WatchOS 4 • To enter score, just double or triple tap a button to enter a double or triple (or long press) • After each turn, hit "Next" to advance to the next player • 1-5 Player support (user requested feature) • Statistics: MPR, PPD, PPR (user requested feature)
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