Darts Club История версий

BoomBit, Inc.

Погрузитесь в обширный архив версий APK Darts Club, содержащий подробные примечания и информацию о совместимости для каждой истории версий 9, собранной после Oct 29, 2024. Эта страница посвящена фанатам, желающим узнать об эволюции Darts Club.

Больше информации
  • Имя пакета
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  • Начальная версия

Что нового в последней версии 5.7.1

- The joy of giving manifests itself in a Battle Pass gift, which you can send to a friend!
- You can now block a player from the end-of-match screen
- Along with PlanetPlay, we give you the newest item: the Green Shoes (available on Nov. 5)
- A delicious new Battle Pass approaches: the Cooking Season (stars on Nov. 5)
- Bug fixes and quality of life improvements
Join our growing community on Discord: https://bit.ly/ClubGamesOnDiscord

Darts Club APK История версий

Ниже приведен список версий APK-файлов для Darts Club. Обратите внимание, что ссылки для скачивания каждой версии могут быть недоступны или доступны только после одобрения разработчика.

Darts Club v5.7.1
Darts Club v4.5.1
What's the buzz, folks?  - Behold the legendary Season 8 Fighter Fashion Set.  - Our subscriptions have ascended to new heights!  - Wow your opponents with Fighter Season emojis!  - Four new fashion treasures have emerged! 
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Darts Club v4.0.7
This update contains bug fixes and other quality of life improvements.
Darts Club v3.2.11
New features, and Quality of Life improvements
Darts Club v3.2.7
This update contains bug fixes and other quality of life improvements.
Darts Club v3.2.3
Darts Club v3.1.0
This update contains new feature and other quality of life improvements: Referral friends system added - invite friends to get awesome rewards! Many fixes and improvements
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Darts Club v2.9.12
This update introduces awesome new features and Quality of Life improvements based on your feedback!<br>
Darts Club v2.9.5
- club invitations - achievement for joining the club - better club suggestions - possible fix for server disconnects
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Darts Club v2.7.0
The newest Darts Club update is here and it’s one of the biggest yet! - Introducing Tournament mode Try your skills and play in exciting biweekly tournaments! Become #1 in the World!
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