Dawncaster: Deckbuilding RPG История версий

Rick van der Wal

Погрузитесь в обширный архив версий APK Dawncaster: Deckbuilding RPG, содержащий подробные примечания и информацию о совместимости для каждой истории версий 6, собранной после May 18, 2024. Эта страница посвящена фанатам, желающим узнать об эволюции Dawncaster: Deckbuilding RPG.

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Что нового в последней версии 1.13.02

- Fixed various typos
- Permanent lifeloss from Reaping damage should be reset correctly between battles in the Sunforge
- Hungering Weapon now works correctly
- Abyssal Contempt now works as written on the card

Usability improvements
- Fixed callouts not being interruptible.
- Fixed Finale not functioning properly

Dawncaster: Deckbuilding RPG APK История версий

Ниже приведен список версий APK-файлов для Dawncaster: Deckbuilding RPG. Обратите внимание, что ссылки для скачивания каждой версии могут быть недоступны или доступны только после одобрения разработчика.

Dawncaster: Deckbuilding RPG v1.13.02
Dawncaster: Deckbuilding RPG v1.11.09
1.11.09 - Minor bugfixes and balance changes 1.11.00 - A complete redesign of our progression system
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Dawncaster: Deckbuilding RPG v1.9.02
- Fixed Dominated leaving all cards unplayable after a discard - Fixed a bug causing the Spine to inflict Doom during damage calculation - Fixed a bug that caused Wealthy to increase gold earned by 100 instead of 100% - Fixed various typos and tooltips
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Dawncaster: Deckbuilding RPG v1.7.01
Get ready for the 'Trial of the Sunforge'! Deep in the celestial realms lies the Sunforge.
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Dawncaster: Deckbuilding RPG v1.5.07
Dive into the latest expansion: the Death of Divinity! Explore 3 brand new zones and unearth the mysteries of the Shattered Realm. Discover the divine forces that fuel the Eternal Conflict.
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Dawncaster: Deckbuilding RPG v1.3.17
* We revamped the Bounty system. Only completed bounties get replaced on a new day, and you get new opportunities to exchange your current bounties for new ones. *Fatigue now resets at the end of turn.
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Dawncaster: Deckbuilding RPG v1.1.19
* Redesigned some of the early opportunities * Improved the main UI and History lay-out * Fixed an issue with the Scion class weapon selection * Fixed a bug with the Vault card
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