One Deck Dungeon История версий

Handelabra Studio LLC

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Что нового в последней версии 1.6.6

One Deck Dungeon now has support for cloud saves using Game Center and iCloud. With cloud saves, you can start a game on one iOS device and continue on another, and maintain your progression checklists across iOS devices.

The minimum supported iOS version is now iOS 13.7. Certain devices will not be able to update to this version, but your previous version will continue to work.

This update improves error handling around cloud saves, and also fixes a problem where Difficult mode Fiends could revert to Normal mode.

One Deck Dungeon APK История версий

Ниже приведен список версий APK-файлов для One Deck Dungeon. Обратите внимание, что ссылки для скачивания каждой версии могут быть недоступны или доступны только после одобрения разработчика.

One Deck Dungeon v1.6.6
One Deck Dungeon v1.6.3
One Deck Dungeon has a new and improved help & feedback system, powered by Helpshift. Use the Help & Feedback button from the in-game or main menu to access FAQs and report problems to us directly in-game.
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One Deck Dungeon v1.6.2
This update has a few performance optimizations, bug fixes, and small improvements.
One Deck Dungeon v1.5.2
Abyssal Depths is now available! This DLC expansion adds a new threat to your Dungeon adventures: Fiends who hound you throughout your entire quest to reach the boss.
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One Deck Dungeon v1.4.5
• Fixed a problem with Blind Luck where one of the selection buttons could be off-screen. • If the game crashes or is quit before assigning checkmarks at the end of the game, you are given the opportunity to assign checkmarks the next time the game is launched.
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One Deck Dungeon v1.4.2
One Deck Dungeon is now a Universal app! The game can now also be played on iPhone 5 and later, and iPod touch (6th gen) and later. • Fixed a problem interaction when using the Whirlwind or Synergy Aura skills.
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One Deck Dungeon v1.4.1
One Deck Dungeon is now a Universal app! The game can now also be played on iPhone 5 and later, and iPod touch (6th gen) and later.
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