PokerCruncher - Advanced Odds История версий

PokerCruncher, LLC

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Что нового в последней версии 16.1.1

Some small UI improvements:

1) Show a one-time informational alert when you use the “Set Deck Card Dead/Live” button for the first time, to better explain how to set dead cards. Thanks to customer Heather K. for writing in about this.

2) Set the text size of the toolbars’ buttons in a cleaner way, so that the toolbars don’t overflow if you set the iOS system text size setting to a very large text size.

3) Change the app’s display name on the home screen to “PokerCruncher”, from the abbreviated name “PkrCruncher”.

Thanks for your latest app reviews. If you like PokerCruncher and our continuing work, please consider writing an App Store review, thanks!
-RJ, PokerCruncher, LLC

PokerCruncher - Advanced Odds APK История версий

Ниже приведен список версий APK-файлов для PokerCruncher - Advanced Odds. Обратите внимание, что ссылки для скачивания каждой версии могут быть недоступны или доступны только после одобрения разработчика.

PokerCruncher - Advanced Odds v16.1.1
PokerCruncher - Advanced Odds v15.1.1
A UI freshen-up and maintenance update for the latest versions of iOS, and some other small UI improvements. 1) Improve/update the look of some UI elements in a few screens on the latest versions of iOS, e.g.
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PokerCruncher - Advanced Odds v12.4.1
Improvements for the “View Card Removal Effect” setting/feature, e.g. to the 4x4 Hand Combos (suits) view.
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PokerCruncher - Advanced Odds v12.3.1
Educational additions: videos and blogs, a great new recommended pro/coach: Alec Torelli (, and a Coaches & Pros webpage … to help you use PokerCruncher more effectively and improve your game.
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PokerCruncher - Advanced Odds v12.2.1
A big user interface upgrade for iPhone X-series models … at last :). 1) All screens and views are taller and wider, and have an improved layout. 2) The screens show more info.
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PokerCruncher - Advanced Odds v12.1.1
An edge-case bug fix for “Export All Saved Ranges”, and a wording improvement to the “Export All Saved …” menu buttons.
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PokerCruncher - Advanced Odds v11.6.2
An edge case “Calc” button bug fix: * If you did repeated calc’s fast, starting the next calc immediately after the current calc ends, you could have sometimes gotten a crash.
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PokerCruncher - Advanced Odds v11.6.1
Small improvements to keep the app in top form: 1) Double the default number of Monte Carlo simulation trials, to a cool 1 million trials.
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PokerCruncher - Advanced Odds v11.5.1
New feature: undo accidental clears/resets of hand ranges in the main screen. * Main screen: new menu button Menu --> Dead Cards, Settings, Undo --> Import Last Cleared Range (Undo).
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PokerCruncher - Advanced Odds v11.4.1
1) Make the batch-import saved hand ranges feature more robust: * Retain spaces in the names of the imported saved hand ranges (before, spaces were being stripped). * Better error handling/reporting.
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PokerCruncher - Advanced Odds v11.3.1
New feature: enter/edit scenario notes. And small wording improvements in the menus. 1) Add the ability to enter/edit text notes on a scenario.
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