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- Имя пакетаcom.lotum.quiz-planet
- Рейтинг контента12+
- ЯзыкиRussian (27) Увидеть все
- Начальная версия2019-08-10
Что нового в последней версии 247.0.0
Данное обновление повышает стабильность Quiz Planet. Были исправлены ошибки и оптимизирован мягкий перелет в мир загадок.
Quiz Planet ・ APK История версий
Ниже приведен список версий APK-файлов для Quiz Planet ・. Обратите внимание, что ссылки для скачивания каждой версии могут быть недоступны или доступны только после одобрения разработчика.
Quiz Planet ・ v247.0.0
Quiz Planet ・ v199.0.0
This update fixes several bugs and makes Quiz Planet even faster. Thank you for playing Quiz Planet and doing your part in the knowledge universe!
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Quiz Planet ・ v179.0.1
Thanks for your feedback on Quiz Planet! You were a big help this update, which includes bugfixes and performance optimizations.
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Quiz Planet ・ v163.0.1
This update improves the stability of Quiz Planet. Bugs have been repaired and performance improved for a smooth flight into the quiz universe.
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Quiz Planet ・ v141.0.0
This update includes bugfixes and performance improvements to help make your quiz experience even more fun!
Quiz Planet ・ v124.0.0
This update includes bugfixes and performance improvements to help make your quiz experience even more fun!
Quiz Planet ・ v53.0.0
This update includes bugfixes and performance improvements to help make your quiz experience even more fun!
Quiz Planet ・ v37.0.1
This update includes bugfixes and performance improvements to help make your quiz experience even more fun!
Quiz Planet ・ v20.1.0
This update includes bugfixes and performance improvements to help make your quiz experience even more fun!
Quiz Planet ・ v3.5.0
This update includes bugfixes and performance improvements to help make your quiz experience even more fun!
Если вам нужна помощь в загрузке APK-файлов определенной версии, посетите Quiz Planet ・ форум.