Shadow Fight 2 История версий

Nekki Games

Погрузитесь в обширный архив версий APK Shadow Fight 2, содержащий подробные примечания и информацию о совместимости для каждой истории версий 9, собранной после Feb 6, 2024. Эта страница посвящена фанатам, желающим узнать об эволюции Shadow Fight 2.

Больше информации
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  • Начальная версия

Что нового в последней версии 2.33

* A mysterious guest who claims to be the true Son of the Sun has emerged with a dark cult—along with a ton of trouble!
* Win the first places in raids and collect all the items!
* Bug fixes
* Optimization

Shadow Fight 2 APK История версий

Ниже приведен список версий APK-файлов для Shadow Fight 2. Обратите внимание, что ссылки для скачивания каждой версии могут быть недоступны или доступны только после одобрения разработчика.

Shadow Fight 2 v2.33
Shadow Fight 2 v2.31.5
* Bug fixes
Shadow Fight 2 v2.28.0
*There's an element of truth in every myth. The day before an independence celebration, the dark legend of a small tribe has come to life, and now its ancestors' memory, in the form of a vengeful spirit, is destroying everything in its path.
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Shadow Fight 2 v2.25.0
* The Lunar New Year and the Son of Heaven are already here! * Win the first places in raids and collect all the items! * Bug fixes * Optimization
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Shadow Fight 2 v2.21.0
*There's an element of truth in every myth. The day before an independence celebration, the dark legend of a small tribe has come to life, and now its ancestors' memory, in the form of a vengeful spirit, is destroying everything in its path.
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Shadow Fight 2 v2.18.0
* The Lunar New Year and the Son of Heaven are already here! * Win the first places in raids and collect all the items! * Bug fixes * Optimization
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Shadow Fight 2 v2.15.0
*New summer event
Shadow Fight 2 v2.10.1
* The Lunar New Year and the Son of Heaven are already here! * Win the first places in raids and collect all the items! * Daily quests now can be updated per video ad.
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Shadow Fight 2 v2.6.1
* Improved display of sales in the store * Improved anticheat system * Technical update to ads * Changed the mechanics of the Drakaina's whirl * Bug fixes in tutorials
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Shadow Fight 2 v2.4.1
- Sales and Festive Chest for the St. Valentine's day! - Ruby hearts for buying the chest and elexirs!
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