War of the Zombie История версий

Jacques Deul

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Что нового в последней версии 1.3.964

Fix for issue when selecting a vehicle when deploying from Ark

War of the Zombie APK История версий

Ниже приведен список версий APK-файлов для War of the Zombie. Обратите внимание, что ссылки для скачивания каждой версии могут быть недоступны или доступны только после одобрения разработчика.

War of the Zombie v1.3.964
War of the Zombie v1.3.91
- Improvements to mission air support targeting of vehicles - Added indicator when attempting to select marine vehicle with no driver - Fixed Kraken driving speed disruptions - Additional enhancements & improvements for better game play enjoyment
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War of the Zombie v1.3.77
Additional fixes and enhancements
War of the Zombie v1.3.76
Enhancements, optimizations and bug fixes
War of the Zombie v1.3.75
- New KS-23MS dual-purpose shotgun - New AB-SKS bonus weapon (check fanpage for details) - ACC importance increased when hitting moving targets - Mutant Zs may now start appearing above ground once syndicate keycard obtained - Global listing now indicates if country has diplomat assigned
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War of the Zombie v1.3.72
Additional enhancements & fixes for: - pathfinding locations on some maps - entering pre-bombarded mission zones - marines not being able to exit water - mission endings with marines ranked Elite5
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War of the Zombie v1.3.71
Minor update with fixes for: - Tutorial intro ship sequence - Humvee driving through hedge in Farmland map - Black Hawk enters train map through rebel zone setting off alarm - Game intro music no longer playing at start screen
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War of the Zombie v1.2.997
Fix for iPhone X layout<br> Added underground lift pop up mission reminder
War of the Zombie v1.2.995
Correctly sets abandoned underground base as a syndicate base if syndicate keycard obtained but not yet safe keycard Lift that would not activate to exit from underground base now works Camo for elites with liquid armour in hot and cold climates now shows correctly Marines can now move faster when hiding in boxes Additional minor fixes and enhancements
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